Re: Njal chapter 6 / Alan's translation

From: Patricia
Message: 6606
Date: 2006-06-29

but each must preform that which is suspected.

‘suspected’ doesn´t make sense to me in this context.

Nor me neither - but Alan I think is was a tpographical error perhaps Friend B U meant


Just my two pence worth  I hope I may help


----- Original Message -----
From: AThompson
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 11:38 AM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Re: Njal chapter 6 / Alan's translation

Thanks for Comments B.U

Responses inserted below.



-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Blanc Voden
Sent: Thursday, 29 June 2006 4:45 AM
Subject: [norse_course] Re: Njal chapter 6 / Alan's translation

--- In, "AThompson" <athompso@...> wrote:
> Here's my translation. Comments on undelined text appreciated or
> anywhere else where I have strayed. Gunnhild´s cursed curse was
> particularly difficult to break.
> Kveðja
> Alan

Hi there Alan,

"Eg vil beiðast herra að þér gefið mér orlof til Íslands."

'I want to request-for-myself, Lord, that you give to me leave (to go) to Iceland.'

beiðast beseech or crave for.

"Mun þar þinn sómi meiri en hér?" segir konungur.

'Will your honour (be) greater there than here? says (the) king.

"Eigi mun það vera," sagði Hrútur, "en það verður hver að vinna er ætlað er."

'That will not be (the case),' said Hrút, `but each must earn (work for) that which is intended (for him).'

but each must preform that which is suspected.

‘suspected’ doesn´t make sense to me in this context.

Gunnhildur mælti: "Við ramman mun reip að draga og gefið honum gott orlof að

Gunnhild spoke: (One) will be pulling a rope against a strong (man) (ie to stop him from going) and (so) give him good leave that

Proverb "Eiga við ramman reip að draga."

 That is Hrútur is stubborn [hard to control]

I had no problems with the meaning – I just wasn´t sure that I had the syntax right.

hann fari sem honum líkar best."

he go as seems best to him.'

he will go as feels best to him."

Þá var ært illa í landi en þó fékk konungurinn honum mjöl sem hann vildi hafa.

Then (there) was a bad season in (the) country but still the king gave to him meal (such) as he he wanted to have.


Meal is flour

Nú býst hann út til Íslands og Össur með honum. Og er þeir voru búnir þá

Now he readies-himself (to go) out to Iceland and Özur with him. And when they were ready then

No he equips for Iceland...... and as they were finished......

Not sure that I see the difference

gekk Hrútur að finna konunginn og Gunnhildi.

Hrút went to meet the king and Gunnhild.

Gunnhildur leiddi hann á eintal og mælti til hans: "Hér er gullhringur er eg

Gunnhild lead him to a private-talk (drew him aside) and spoke to him: 'Here is a gold-ring which I

or opened a private conversation with him
vil gefa þér" og spennti á hönd honum.

want to give you' and fastened (it) on his arm.

or buckled

"Marga gjöf góða hef eg af þér þegið," segir Hrútur.

'I have received many good gifts from you,' says Hrút.

Hún tók höndum um háls honum og kyssti hann og mælti: "Ef eg á svo mikið

She takes (him) with (her) hands around his neck and kissed him and spoke: `If I possess as much

vald á þér sem eg ætla þá legg eg það á við þig að þú megir engri munúð fram

power over you as I mean (to have), then I invoke that against you that you may

"eg ætla" most often "I think" in English terms.

"leggja það á við þig" "það er áherslan? emphasise or accentuate

"leggja á vogarskál" is to put on a scale/balance.

koma við þá konu er þú ætlar þér á Íslandi að eiga en fremja skalt þú mega

bring about (produce) no more pleasure with that woman who you you mean to possess in Iceland but you shall be able to accomplish

"Maður kemur fram vilja sínum við konu" or he makes love.

"munúð" I read as sensuality but the victorians say it lust. To be remembered [Munað]

I intended pleasure to mean ‘sexual pleasure’, and so I think we are in agreement.

"ætlar að kvænast" intends to marry
við aðrar konur vilja þinn. Og hefir nú hvortgi okkað vel. Þú trúðir mér

your desires with other women. And now neither of us two (will) have well(-being). You believe

"Maður fremur glæp" or One commits crime.

I smell pure/plain shag!

Again I don´t think we are other than in agreement

"Að trúa til" or confie [entrust] of
eigi til málsins."

nothing of my speech.'

The matter was: that Hrútur was going to have a woman out there.

Hrútur hló að og gekk í braut.

Hrút laughed at (that) and went away.

Hrútur laughed at it

Síðan fór hann til fundar við konunginn og þakkaði honum hversu höfðinglega

Afterwards he journeys to a meeting with the king and thanked him for how nobly

or Subsequently
hann hafði alla hluti til hans gert. Konungurinn bað hann vel fara og kvað

he had acted in all respects by him. The king bade him fare well and declared

Hrút vera hinn röskvasta mann og vel kunna að vera með tignum mönnum.

Hrút to be the most mature man and well well able to be with (match)ten men.

and know well to mingle with nobility [dignity is "tign" háTign is Highness].

Hrútur gekk síðan til skips og sigldi í haf. Þeim gaf vel byri og tóku

Hrút went afterwards to (the) ship and sailed (out) to sea. (It) gave to them well in (the way of) a fair wind and (they) reached

Borgarfjörð. En þegar er skip var landfast reið Hrútur vestur heim en Össur

Borgarfjord. But as soon as the ship was land-secured, Hrút rode west home but Özur

lét ryðja skipið. Hrútur reið á Höskuldsstaði og tók bróðir hans vel við

caused to unload the ship. Hrút rode to Höskuld's Steads and his brother received him well

honum og sagði Hrútur honum allt um ferðir sínar. Síðan sendi hann mann

and Hrút said to him everything about his travels. Afterwards, he sent a man

austur á Rangárvöllu til Marðar gígju að búast við boði. En þeir bræður riðu

east to Rang River Meadow to Mörd `Fiddle' to prepare for (the wedding) feast. But those brothers rode

or Marten (S)harp
síðan til skips og sagði Höskuldur Hrúti fjárhagi hans og hafði mikið á

afterwards to (the) ship and Höskuld said to Hrút about his financial affairs and (that they) had multiplied greatly

aflast síðan Hrútur fór í braut.

since Hrút journeyed away.

Hrútur mælti: "Minni mun umbun verða bróðir en skyldi en fá vil eg þér mjöl

Hrút spoke:'Less will be the reward brother than (it) should (be) but I want to give to you meal

or recompense
svo sem þú þarft í bú þitt í vetur.

such as you need in your farm this winter.

Síðan réðu þeir skipinu til hlunns og bjuggu um en færðu varning allan

Afterwards, they drew the ship on to rollers and prepared it (for winter) but moved all (the) goods

vestur í Dala.

west into (the) Dales.

Hrútur var heima á Hrútsstöðum til sex vikna

Hrút was (stayed) home at Hrút's Steads until six weeks (this doesn´t seem to be the end of the sentence)

Thank Uoden

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