From: Patricia
Message: 6598
Date: 2006-06-28
Thanks said Patricia - for your Trouble Alan meanwhile I am just humming the old song "Och he's fit ba' crazy - he's fit ba' mad " and I wish I could remember the "singer"
-------Original Message-------
From: AThompson
Date: 06/28/06 13:07:05
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Njal's Saga chapter 6 from Patricia
A few comments inserted. I see from yours and Grace´s translation that I made a complete mjöl of the phraseog vel kunna að vera með tignum mönnum I can only put it down to too many late nights watching the World Cup J
Kveðja Alan
-----Original Message-----
I am not best pleased with this and any help will be welcome - because when stuck I made what I hoped would be an intelligent (!) guess
Konungur mælti: "Hvað vilt þú nú Hrútur?" The king said "what will you now (do) Hrut I wish to ask you Lord that you will give me leave to (go to) Iceland "Will your (?) prestige be more than here says the King "That may not be " said Hrut "but everyone must do the work set before him"(Z) (A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do) Gunnhild spoke " (Z) That is pulling a rope against a strong man give him good leave to go where he best is pleased (Wont win a tug of war) Then was a bad time (season) in (the) land but even so the King gave him as much of meal/flour as he wanted to have Now he makes ready to go out to Iceland and Ossur with him and when they were ready, then went Hrut to meet the King and Gunnhild. Gunnhild led him aside in private and spole to him "Here is a Gold Ring that I will give you" and (Z) clasped the ring around his wrist "Many a good gift have I received from you says Hrut / (naught but true)
She took her hands around his neck and kissed him and said "If I have as much power over you as I wish then I lay that ?(a spell) with you that you less will have to come with the woman that you choose in Iceland but (you will) perform (new intro to O/N) you well with other women of your desire (what a w/itch) and neither of us two will have no good (neither of us will come out well) for you do not trust me with / to speak - the truth
Hrútur hló að og gekk í braut. Hrut laughed ( at her words) and went away Afterwards he went to see the King and to thank him for how generously / in princely fashion he had in all ways treated (Hrut) him The King bid him farewell and declared Hrut to be the bravest man and well known among men of noble rank
Hrútur gekk síðan til skips og sigldi í haf. Þeim gaf vel byri og tóku Hrut went afterwards to his ship and set sail they had (were given) good wind to Borgarfjord, and as soon as the ship was landed Hrut rode west home and Ossur ordered/had charge of the unpacking
Hrútur reið á Höskuldsstaði og tók bróðir hans (subject) vel við Hrut rode to Hoskuld's Place and had a great welcome of his brother and Hrut told of all his travels
Síðan sendi hann mann After (this) they sent a man east to Rang River Flats to Mord Fiddle to prepare a (wedding) Feast
En þeir bræður riðu And those brothers rode after to the ship and Hoskuld told Hrut about his (Hrut's Property) and how much gain after Hrut had travelled abroad Hrut spoke "I think you may have more brother and I shall give you (because of this) all the flour you will need for your household this winter After this they got the ship off the rollers and secure and brought the goods west into the Dale Hrut was at home (Hrut-Stadt) for six weeks
As I said - I am not best pleased and am keeping fingers crossed Try typing with fingers crossed Kveðja Patricia
Gunnhild's prophecy may be true - because in Egil's saga they said she was a witch (I think they said W/itch) -- -- | |||