I don't know if a translation has been posted here before; if people would be interested, I'll post the translation. I actually only have the first four chapters in digital format; the document was handrwitten. I'm speaking of it as if its a finished product; but I really did have enormous trouble with a lot of it. I would estimate that I encountered a rate of 1.5 unfamiliar words per sentence, and in 90% of such cases readily found the word in the print version of Zoëga's. Of course, there are occasions when a given occurence of text could correspond to any number of different words as they are indexed in the dictionary, which diminished my confidence that I was simply looking for words that weren't in Zoëga's. However, this rate of unsuccesful attempts to look up unfamiliar words would increase by a few orders of magnitude, to a good 30-50%, in cases of verse. I'm not certain if there are other resources I should be using to reference words. Also, I could
tell in some cases that I was simply dealing with forms of words that were different from those of the language lessons I have used and that are in the dictionary; as was the case with the transition to og from ok and st suffixes from sk suffixes for reflexive / middle voice forms of verbs. These I managed to discern the identity of, but there were some frequent words that I did not.
Below is the first paragraph of the saga.
1. Frá Arngrími ok sonum hans
Sigrlami hét konungr, er réð fyrir Garðaríki
There was a king called Sigrlami, that ruled over Garðarík.
Hans dóttir var Eyfura, er allra meyja var fríðust.
His daughter was Eyfura, who of all the maids was fairest.
Þessi konungr hafði eignast sverð þat af dvergum,
This king had owned a sword of the dwarves
Tyrfingr hét ok allra var bitrast,
that was called Tyrfing and was of all swords the most biting
ok hvert sinn, er því var brugðit, þá lýsti af svá sem af sólargeisla.
and on occasion in which it was drawn, then it shone such as the sun's rays.
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