<<This warns me," says Hrut, "that you speak with a fey mouth"(Z)>>
There was a choice  fey or doomed - and when I chose doomed I think I chose the wrong one for Fey is better - it sounds like prophecy

----- Original Message -----
From: AThompson
To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 11:20 AM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Njal chapter 5 - Grace's translation


A few comments inserted



-----Original Message-----
From: norse_course@yahoogroups.com [mailto:norse_course@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Fred and Grace Hatton
Wednesday, 21 June 2006 12:41 AM
To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [norse_course] Njal chapter 5 - Grace's translation

I had quite a bit of trouble - - couldn't find some wo rds and couldn't get
who was doing what to whom in several places.

Hann svaraði: "Þá gefur vel til ((it) gives good (prospects/opportunity for)fjár að vinna og reki menn af sér tjöldin og
búist við sem

He answered, "Then give well to act so as to gain (the) money and drive men
from their tents and prepare (ourselves)

hvatlegast á hverju skipi. Skip mitt skal vera í miðjum flotanum."

(the) most quickly? on each ship. My ship shall be in (the) middle of the

Síðan greiddu þeir róðurinn á skipum Hrúts. Og þegar er hvorir heyrðu mál
annarra stóð

Afterwa rds they pulled at the oars on Hrut's ship. And at once when each
heard (the) speaking of others,

Atli upp og mælti: "Þér farið óvarlega. Sáuð þér eigi að herskip voru (warships were (past plural of ‘vera’)í
sundinu eða hvert er nafn höfðingja yðvars?"

Atli stood up and spoke, "You sail without caution. Did you not see that our
warship (was) in the sound but what is the name of your leader?"

"Hrútur heiti eg," segir hann.

"My name is Hrut," he says.

"Hvers maður ert þú?" segir Atli.

"Whose man are you?" says Atli.

"Hirðmaður Haralds konungs gráfeldar," segir Hrútur.

"King's man of King Harald Greycloak," says Hrut.

Atli mælti: "Lengi höfum við feðgar eigi kærir (beloved) verið Noregskonungum (kings, plural, I missed this one myself!)yðrum."

Atli spoke, "Long have we, father and son, not been fond of? your Norway 's

"Ykkur ógæfa er það (your bad-luck is that)," segir Hrútur.

"You are bold (in) that," says Hrut.

"Svo hefir borið saman fund okkarn," segir Atli, "að þú skalt eigi kunna (see B.V. response to my translation) frá

"So has coincided out meeting," says Atli, " that you shall not know of the
tidings to say." (you won't be around to tell the story of our meeting?)

segja" og þreif upp spjót og skaut á skip Hrúts og hafði sá bana er fyrir
(that (man) who happened to be/was in front/in the way had (received) death)

and picks up a spear and shot (it) at Hrut's ship and had it to kill who was
in front.

Síðan tókst orusta með þeim og sóttist þeim seint skip þeirra Hrúts. Úlfur
gekk vel fram

Afterwa rds (the) battle happened with them and they were slow in boarding
Hrut's ship. (Z) Ulf went well forward

og gerði ýmist að hann skaut eða lagði. Ásólfur hét stafnbúi Atla. Hann
hljóp upp á skip

and he alternately cut and shot (Z - sort of)?? Asolfr was the name of Atli
's forecastle man. He leapt up on Hrut's ship

Hrúts og varð fjögurra manna bani (became the slayer (bani) of four men) áður Hrútur varð var (became aware) við. Snýr hann þá í
mót honum.

and was fourth man killed before Hrut was with (the) defense? He turns then
to meet him

En er þeir finnast þá leggur (thrusts, stabs)Ásólfur í skjöld Hrúts og í gegnum en Hrútur
hjó til Ásólfs og varð það banahögg.

But when they meet each other then leans? Asolfr on Hrut's shield and
through and Hrut hew against Asolf and that was the death blow.

Þetta sá Úlfur óþveginn og mælti: "Bæði er nú Hrútur að þú höggur stórt enda
átt þú mikið að launa Gunnhildi."

Ulf the unwashed saw this and spoke," Both are now Hrut that you strike
greatly and also that you have great to reward of Gunnhild."

"Þess varir mig," segir Hrútur, "að þú mælir feigum munni."

"This warns me," says Hrut, "that you speak with a fey mouth"(Z)

Nú sér Atli beran vopnastað á Úlfi og skaut spjóti í gegnum hann. Síðan varð

Now Alti sees a naked? vulnerable spot on Ulf and shot a spear against him.
Afterwa rds was the

strangasta orusta. Atli hleypur upp á skip að Hrúti og ryðst um fast og nú
snýr í mót

mightiest battle. Alti leaps up on (the) ship to Hrut and made a hard
onslaught (Z) and now Ossur turns to meet

honum Össur og lagði til hans og féll sjálfur á bak aftur því að annar maður
lagði til hans.

him and thrust at him and fell himself behind his back because another man
thrust at him.

Hrútur sneri nú í mót Atla. Atli hjó þegar í skjöld Hrúts og klauf allan
niður. Þá fékk Atli

Hrut turns now to meet Atli. Atli hew at once on Hrut's shield and cleaved
(it) all down. Then Atli made

steinshögg á höndina og féll niður sverðið. Hrútur tók sverðið og hjó undan
Atla fótinn.

a stoneblow?? on the hand and (his) sword fell down. Hrut took (the) sword
and hew Atli's foot away

Síðan veitti hann honum banasár. Þar tóku þeir fé mikið og höfðu með sér tvö
skip, þau

Afterwa rds he gave him (the) mortal wound. They took great wealth there and
had with them two ships, they

er best voru, og dvöldust þar litla hríð síðan.

were (the) best (ones) and spent a little time there afterwa rds .

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa

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