Re: Njal chapter 5 / Alan's Translation

From: Patricia
Message: 6550
Date: 2006-06-21

How does one drive a tent - ???
I had assumed that the canvas with which they set up tents (?Booths) was used to cover the weapons and their goods/food to keep said stuff dry
so what they might have done was to remove the covers - canvasses and then use the (kept Dry)
weapons for their intended purpose
Just an Idea
----- Original Message -----
From: Blanc Voden
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 8:10 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Re: Njal chapter 5 / Alan's Translation

--- In norse_course@ yahoogroups. com, "AThompson" <athompso@.. .>
> Here's my translation. Comments gratefully received on any points,
> particularly the underlined text.
> Kveðja
> Alan

Hi there Alan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: norse_course@ yahoogroups. com
[mailto:norse_course@ yahoogroups. com]
> On Behalf Of Fred and Grace Hatton
> Sent: Tuesday, 20 June 2006 8:19 PM
> To: norse_course@ yahoogroups. com
> Subject: [norse_course] Njal chapter 5
> Hann svaraði: "Þá gefur vel til fjár að vinna og reki menn af sér
> tjöldin og
> He answered: `Then (it) gives (us) good (opportunity) to gain
wealth and
> men (should) drive from themselves the tents and
> búist við sem hvatlegast á hverju skipi. Skip mitt skal vera í
> prepare as quickly (as possible) on each ship. My ship shall be in
> middle
> flotanum."
> (of the) fleet.'

"Þá gefur vel til" Then it gives well[/bad] referring to the
"reka af sér" or "losa sig við" that is:get rid of
"hvatlegast" in likeness of those that are urged [hvattir]

> Síðan greiddu þeir róðurinn á skipum Hrúts. Og þegar er hvorir
> mál
> Afterward, they pulled the oars on Hrúts ships. And as soon as each
> heard each speech

greiða róðurinn : or speeding the rowing.
> annarra stóð Atli upp og mælti: "Þér farið óvarlega. Sáuð þér eigi

> of (the) others, Atli stood up and spoke: `You journey unwarily.
Did you
> not see that
> herskip voru í sundinu eða hvert er nafn höfðingja yðvars?"
> warships were in the sound – so what is the name of your
> "Hrútur heiti eg," segir hann.
> I am named Hrút,' say he.
says he
> "Hvers maður ert þú?" segir Atli.
> `What (kind of) man are you?' says Atli.
Here "Hvers" is genitive of "Hver": Whoes man are thou?
> "Hirðmaður Haralds konungs gráfeldar," segir Hrútur.
> `King Harald Grey-Cloak´s man' says Hrút.
Courtier is "Hirðmaður"
> Atli mælti: "Lengi höfum við feðgar eigi kærir verið Noregskonungum
> yðrum."
> Atli spoke: `For a long time have we, father and son, not been
> to your Norwegian king.'
plural kings.
> "Ykkur ógæfa er það," segir Hrútur.
> `That is your bad-luck,' says Hrút.
> "Svo hefir borið saman fund okkarn," segir Atli, "að þú skalt eigi
> frá
> `So (it) has brought about our meeting together,' says Atli, `
that you
> shal not `gain-understanding ' from (it)
> tíðindum að segja" og þreif upp spjót og skaut á skip Hrúts og
hafði sá
> bana
> to tell the tidings' and caught up (his) spear and shot at Hrút's
> and that (one) had death
> er fyrir varð.
> who happened-to- be in front.

"kunna segja": "kunna" used as an auxiliary verb preceded by
infinitive. Says may or maybe. "Ég eigi kann gera" I may not do.
You shall not be able to tell (news) of it. As caused by their

The one hit by the spear:" Varð fyrir [því(spjótinu)] or became in
the way.
> Síðan tókst orusta með þeim og sóttist þeim seint skip þeirra
> Úlfur
> Afterwards (the) battle began and (the) ships of them, Hrút (and
> company) were sought by them slowly (ie they were slow to
advance). Úlf
"orusta sóttist þeim seint". One seeks the victory. The victory
seeking was tardive to them [or their ships).
> gekk vel fram og gerði ýmist að hann skaut eða lagði. Ásólfur hét
> stafnbúi
> went well forward and performed variously (so) that he shot or
> Atli´s fo'c's'le-man was named Ásólf.
> Atla. Hann hljóp upp á skip Hrúts og varð fjögurra manna bani áður
> Hrútur
> He leapt upp onto Hrút's ship and became the (slayer) of four men
> Hrút
> varð var við. Snýr hann þá í mót honum. En er þeir finnast þá
> Ásólfur
> became aware of (it). He turns then towards him. But (and) when
> met-each-other then Ásólf stabs
> í skjöld Hrúts og í gegnum en Hrútur hjó til Ásólfs og varð það
> banahögg.
> into Hrút's shield and in through (it) but Hrút hewed at Ásolf and
> became (his) death-blow.
> Þetta sá Úlfur óþveginn og mælti: "Bæði er nú Hrútur að þú höggur
> enda
> Úlf `(the) Unwashed saw this and spoke: `(It) is now both, Hrút,
> you strike powerfully (and) still
> átt þú mikið að launa Gunnhildi."
> you have to greatly reward Gunnhild.' (you owe her a great deal?)
You owe Gunnhildi a great deal. So brutal saying as the savage Sayer.
> "Þess varir mig," segir Hrútur, "að þú mælir feigum munni."
> `'(it) forbodes me of that,' says Hrút, `that you speak with
a `fey'
> mouth.'
> Nú sér Atli beran vopnastað á Úlfi og skaut spjóti í gegnum hann.
> varð
> Now Atli sees an exposed weapon-place (bodily target) on Úlf and
> (his) spear in through him. Afterwards
> hin strangasta orusta. Atli hleypur upp á skip að Hrúti og ryðst
um fast
> og
> the fiercest battle occurred. Atli leapt up onto (the) ship at
Hrút and
> clears a way firmly and
> nú snýr í mót honum Össur og lagði til hans og féll sjálfur á bak
> því
> now Özur turns towards him and stabbed at him and (Özur) fell on
> back after (that) because
> að annar maður lagði til hans. Hrútur sneri nú í mót Atla. Atli hjó
> þegar í
> a second man stabbed at him. Hrút turned now towards Atli. Atli
hewed at
> once into
> skjöld Hrúts og klauf allan niður. Þá fékk Atli steinshögg á
höndina og
> féll
> Hrút's shield and split all (of it) down (ie in two). Then Atli
> a stone-blow on the arm and the (his) sword fell
> niður sverðið. Hrútur tók sverðið og hjó undan Atla fótinn. Síðan
> down. Hrút took the sword and hew Atli's leg off. Afterwards he
> hann honum banasár. Þar tóku þeir fé mikið og höfðu með sér tvö
> þau er
> to him a death-wound. There, they took much wealth and had with
them two
> ships, those which
> best voru, og dvöldust þar litla hríð síðan.
> Were (the) best, and made a stay there for a little while after
that. Or subsequently.

Thanks Uoden

Bani as "Astral autobahn" Did they belive we become stars on a round
route in the sky?
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