Hi there,

Varg'ar are also, beast of prey; vermin; termagant,vixens ...
Also those that eat ravenously: See raven [hRafn].

The "Varg" before in our tale, could mark the wolf.

The beast-meaning of "Varg" is much more generic than that of "Úlf".

Who is the King of Cats? Yes, Lord Leo.

But of Dogs, the canines ? Yes Wolf opposes sheep as Wolf is free
like King/Man but Sheep as slave.

I see shepherd replaced by family dog but the Chief-shepHerd by the
King Wolf.

Thanks Uoden

--- In norse_course@yahoogroups.com, shibbyhellman@... wrote:
> Is there any difference in the words ulfr and vargr or did the
Icelanders just have two words for wolf? Just curious. Thanks
> --
> Mar sin leibh, an-drasta
> ~Aodh MacUisdean