Well Hello Uoden
<<"framgjarn" I smell ambitious or aspiring.

"eager" or "keen" are to juicy to be fitting I reckon.>>
I do believe that eager came from Zoega but I do so like your rendering too juicy to be fitting and I certainly take your point on the amendments - I shall make a note of this tomorrow morning - Yikes it's turned midnight and   Shhh I have a noisy Epson Printer
----- Original Message -----
From: Blanc Voden
To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 9:24 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Re: Fw: Njal's Saga chapter three second half - from Patricia

Hi there Patricia,

They (with) Hrut or : Hrútur and company?

"Hirðmaður" is courtier [der Hofmann]
One begs of one's King. If you ask me as I'm not a King.

Hrút'ur asks for being appointed courtier. > Hirðvist.

The second day after.

He minded [hugði> Hug'a] throughly the man ....

What urged [hvatti] you ...

"mun eg yðvar verða við að njóta að eg fái rétt af."

mun eg verða: I must probably (like his memory)

að njóta við yðvar: to benefit from your presence

að eg fái rétt af: in order to that I come justly off [out of it.

"Sóm'a" "ómar" as genally most appropriate >suitable.

"vel skipað" (position) well constituted/ appointed

"framgjarn" I smell ambitious or aspiring.

"eager" or "keen" are to juicy to be fitting I reckon.

Thanks Uoden