Here´s my translation.


3. kafli

Chapter 3


Haraldur gráfeldur réð fyrir Noregi. Hann var sonur Eiríks blóðöxar

Harald Grey-Cloak ruled over Norway. He was (the) son of Eirík Blood-Axe,


Haraldssonar hins hárfagra. Gunnhildur hét móðir hans og var dóttir Össurar

son of Harald the fair-haired. His mother was called Gunnhild and (she) was (the) daughter of Özur


tota. Þau höfðu aðsetur austur í Konungahellu.

Toti (?). They had residence east in Kings’ Stone.


Nú spurðist skipkoman austur þangað til Víkurinnar. Og þegar er þetta

Now the arrival of a ship is learned of thither east into the Bay. And as soon as


fréttir Gunnhildur spurði hún eftir hvað íslenskra manna væri á skipi. Henni

Gunnhild heard this news, she asked afterwards what Icelandic men were on (the) ship. To her


var sagt að Hrútur hét maður og var bróðursonur Össurar.

(it) was said that (there) was a man called Hrút and (he) was Özur’s brother´s son (nephew).


Gunnhildur mælti: "Eg veit gjörla. Hann mun heimta erfð sína en sá maður

Gunnhild spoke: ‘I know precisely. He will claim his inheritence but that man


hefir að varðveita er Sóti heitir."

who is called Sóti has (it) to keep.’


Síðan kallar hún á einn herbergissvein sinn er Ögmundur hét: "Eg vil senda

Afterwards she calls on one chamber-servant of hers who was called Ögmund: ‘I want to send


þig norður í Víkina á fund Össurar og Hrúts og seg að eg býð þeim báðum til

you north into the Bay to a meeting of Özur and Hrút and say that I ask them both to (come) to


mín í vetur og eg vil vera vinur þeirra. Og ef Hrútur fer mínum ráðum fram

me in (the) winter and I want to be their friend. And if Hrút goes along with my advice


þá skal eg sjá um fémál hans og um það annað er hann tekur að henda. Eg skal

then I shall see about his financial affairs and about that (any) other (matter) which he takes in hand. I shall


og koma honum fram við konunginn."

also (will) advance him ((ie promote his interests) with the king.’


Síðan fór Ögmundur og kom á fund þeirra. En þegar er þeir vissu að hann var

Afterwards Ögmund went and came to a meeting of them. And when they knew that he was


sveinn Gunnhildar tóku þeir við honum sem best. Hann sagði þeim erindi sín

Gunnhild´s servant they took to (received) him as best (they could). He told them his message


af hljóði.

on (the) quiet.


Síðan töluðu þeir ráðagerðir sínar frændur leynilega og ræddi Össur við

Afterwards those kinsmen discussed their plans secretly and Özur spoke with


Hrút: "Svo líst mér frændi sem nú munum við hafa gert ráð okkað því að eg

Hrút: ‘So (it) seems to me, kinsman, that now we will have made our plans because I


kann skapi Gunnhildar. Jafnskjótt sem við viljum eigi fara til hennar mun

know the mind of Gunnhild. As soon as we want not to go to her she will


hún reka okkur úr landi en taka fé okkað allt með ráni. En ef við förum til

drive us out of the country and take our property completely by theft. But if we go to


hennar þá mun hún gera okkur sæmd slíka sem hún hefir heitið."

her then she will do us such honour as she has promised.’


Ögmundur fór heim. Og er hann fann Gunnhildi sagði hann henni erindislok sín

Ögmund went home. And when he meets Gunnhild he told her his errand´s outcome


og það að þeir mundu koma.

and that, that they would come.


Gunnhildur mælti: "Slíks var von því að Hrútur er vitur maður og vel að sér.

Gunnhild spoke: ‘(My) expectation was of such because Hrút is a wise man and well in himself (noble-minded).


En nú haf þú njósn af nær er þeir koma til bæjarins og seg mér."

But now you have watch of when they come to the town and tell me.’


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