> >Hann stóð upp í mót þeim og tók í hönd Höskuldi og settist hann
> niður hjá honum

He [Marten] stood up towards/against them [Höskuldi and Hrúti] and
shook Höskuld's hand [we take but you shake] and He [Höskuldur] set
himself down [had a seat) by him [Marten that was in his seat
already when they entered just stood up in order to shake hands]

Setjask has a nature of Hypothese,-sk is wrongly put in instead of
-st for a snake-like end-figure in scripts.

He took a seat at Marten's side gowerned by ethics:

The reflexive form
We say "setja sig(h) niður": Put one self down [like to settle down].
as(gh) is not possible to combine as the -gh is to fragle.

"Hjá" demands dative.

Hope his clarifies..


> I'm not sure if this bit has been discussed yet, but I would have
> read this as "...and he sat down beside him."
> he = Höskuldr?
> him = Mörðr?
> setjask "to seat oneself, to take a seat, to set oneself down"
> And note that 'honum' is used rather than the reflexive.
> That said, Magnús Magnússon and Hermann Pálsson have: "and gave
> the seat beside his own." I wonder if they paraphrased to clear
> the ambiguity for English readers.
> LN