The poems I've been working on for my project come from the book by Lee
Hollander, "Old Norse Poetry". They include:
Darra›arlio›: Song of the Valkyries
Hialmer's Death Song
Vikarsbalkr: The Lay of Vikar
Buslubœn: Busli's Curse
Hervararvi›a: Lay of Hervor
Hakonarmal: Lay of Hakon.
Hildenbrand's death-song
Lay of Harold.
Lay of Hervor
I've found the originals, mostly at, and translations for them in
various places. The project is to try to set them to music, using authentic
period instruments such as the lyre, harp, kantele, citole, rebec, vielle,
various whistles, and so forth. The reason I've been lurking on this list is to
try to improve my vocabulary and get a better sense of the originals, as the
translations seem to be at some variance. They are relatively short and tell
marvelous stories...
I have a computerized recording setup, and a mixer and mics, but this is taking
forever to accomplish.
I also have made some of the instruments myself. A guy's got to have some
llama_nom wrote:
> Hi Lavrans,
> Which poems did you have in mind?
> Llama Nom
> --- In, LM <lavrans@...> wrote:
> >
> > Would anyone be interested in doing translations of poems? I have a
> list...
> >
> > Lavrans
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