--- In
norse_course@yahoogroups.com, "AThompson" <athompso@...>
> Hereâs my translation. Would appreciate comments on underlined
> ok leitaði þar fyrst á, er hann gat þann af ráðit (l. 878).
would appreciate a literal translation of this line
> Kveðja
> Alan
"Er það nú auðséð, hver viskumunur ykkar hefir orðið, er hann lét
þig sitja(reign/rule) í friði og leitaði þar fyrst á, er hann gat
þann af ráðið, er honum þótti þér vera meiri maður. "
It is no obvious, which has become the difference of wits between
you (two), as he lets you rule( "farm") in peace (without
interfering) and made there first a pass (at), as (soon as) he could
that one assassinate, which he thought to be more of a man than you.
leita á : attack rather than make a pass at.
ráða af dögum: to assassinate. Fire/dismiss of Days of Reign
Hope you get the point.
Thanks Uoden.
If I do not defend my family I lose my respect (virðingu=estimation)
[of others of same ethics].
But apparently if I defend your family that is an honor that belongs
to me is it not. To keep one's respect is to stand one one's right.
"Heiður" is much more in Icelandic tongue. And "heiður" has been by
tradition compared to "honor". As "Virðing" to "Respect".
To honor we say "að heiðra".
Sam was forced to lie low and as his brother would not help him, he
could apparently never rise up against or near Hrafnkeli. "Fékk ekki
reist sig up."