After first saying a sincere thank you for all this - Alan - I  can only say firstly I wish I had done better with this last bit
sem ek ætlaða (expected),   thank you - I like that better, often it is a matter of choice I have perhaps too many from which to choose
The definition of "en þú vildir ráða (to take your own counsel)  is better thank you
for no good reason this thing will not come out of italic and  navy
sagði þá (refers to the brothers, not the gifts     yes I understood that correctly as you say - but in trying to be literal I expressed it a trifle clumsily = sorry
uppreist (success, I think)    yes and so do I now  I think I got redress from Zoega - maybe - unless someone knows differently
(seemed great men in themselves, in their own right)  yes I see that now - that's better
Thanks a lot Alan
this has been great