Hi there Alan,

> þeira Hrafnkels: (l. 869)


"segir hann [Sámur] þeim viðskipti þeirra Hrafnkels"

People of today present them self as here above.

Rephrasing: "... viðskipti sín og Hrafnkels" [more personal/friendly]

"þeirra" is the gentive form of those [in plural] standing there.
The style could be to put Sám and Hrafnkel in some distant, at least
in time and or making the phraze more impersonal.

Thanks Uoden.

Hrafnkell shapes both in the estate's interest as well as in his
befriended men's interest so we find them both as object indirect.
The profit not mentioned is the advantage of the object direct:

As the Manor [AðalBoule] has countably many outlaying farms or
subfarms. I reckon one district includes at least 12 "crofters"
families, less "gildir" farmers. Estate could also have advantage
of egg-picking, herbs-harvesting, fresh-water's as well as sea-
water's fishing, everything depending on the estate it self.