Hi there,

" Nú skipar Hrafnkell á Aðalbóli búi sínum mönnum."


Hrafnkell at "AðalBóle" [Main living/sleeping place or the Mansion]

He mans the estate [manor] see also crofters amongst other things
that follow such wealth.
The men in question are befriended or his proper men.
He puts his friends in charge. See: Shapes fate.

"setja á/yfir" to put over or in charge of.

"Sveitir" in likeness of parishes.

"Hefur GoðOrð" Has word/authority of a Goth(e).
Here the Belief and the laws are in the same hand.

"Goði" is a total Man: priest and jurist [double income]. Ethical
Monitor, I reckon also. Shepherd.

Thanks Uoden