There was one word I couldn't find at all and another couple I wasn't sure
Þeir ríða nú vestr af hrauninu. Þá er fyrir þeim önnur mýrr,
They ride now west of the lava field. Then is before them another moor,
er heitir Oxamýrr. Hon er grösug mjök. Þar eru bleytur, svá
which is called Oxmoor. It is very grassy. There are muddy places (couldn'
t figure out how to write mud in the plural), so that
at náliga er ófoert yfir. Af því lagði Hallfreðr karl inar efri
nearly is impossible (to get) across. From it lay (the) man Hallfredr
further in (the) upper
775 götur, þó at þær væri lengri.
paths, although they were longer.
Eyvindr ríðr vestr á mýrina. Lá þá drjúgum í fyrir þeim.
E. rides west to the moor. Then (it?) lies greatly before them.
Dvalðisk þá mjök fyrir þeim. Hina bar skjótt eptir, er lausir
It delayed much for them. (caused them much delay) These others bore (down)
quickly behind, when (because they) unencumbered
riðu. Ríða þeir Hrafnkell nú leið sína á mýrina. Þeir Eyvindr
ride. H. (and) they (his company) ride now his way to the moor. E. (and)
eru þá komnir af mýrinni. Sjá þeir þá Hrafnkel ok sonu hans
(his company) are then come from the moor. They see H. then and both his
780 báða. Þeir báðu Eyvind þá undan at ríða. 'Eru nú af allar
They begged E. then to ride away. "From now are all
torfoerur. Muntu ná til Aðalbóls, meðan mýrrin er á millum.'
dangerous passages ( or something to do with turf???). You will reach
A., so long as the moor is between.
Eyvindr svarar: 'Eigi mun ek flýja undan þeim mönnum, er
E. answers, "I will not flee away (from) those men, to whom
ek hefi ekki til miska gört.'
I have not done (any) offence."
Þeir ríða þá upp á hálsinn. Þar standa fjöll lítil á hálsinum.
They ride then up to the hillcrest. There stands a little fell on the
785 Útan í fjallinu er meltorfa ein, blásin mjök. Bakkar hávir váru
Beyond the fell is a turf knoll, very stripped by the wind. (The) banks ???
umhverfis. Eyvindr ríðr at torfunni. Þar stígr hann af baki
allround. E. rides to the turf. There he dismounts from horseback
ok bíðr þeira.
and waits for them.(verb takes gen.)
Eyvindr segir: 'Nú munum vér skjótt vita þeira ørendi.'
E. says, "Now we will soon learn their errand.
Eptir þat gengu þeir upp á torfuna ok brjóta þar upp grjót
After that they go up to the turf and pull up any stones there.