Hi there
Hrafnkell sendi og eftir húskörlum sínum.
Hrafnkell did also send for his attendants (ushers)
Þeir uðru alls átján saman.
They became eighteen altogether
Þeir vopnuðust harðfengilega; ríða þar yfir á sem hinir fyrri.
They armed strongly; ride there across river as the other before.
(The Present of Narration)
"M-aður" we name "Mann" I reckon that he was most often
Holder "Höldur"
or fat and legitimate.
On the Manor most often in the outskirt of the Mansion (Staðurinn or
the Place)
were the "Hús", where in lived the "Karl-ar" and their
matching "Kon-ur"
Mr. K has hope "flock" as it sound, "Von" literary) as he has Kon-u
(Wife: con is globally and eternally Miditerranean : cunt).
The Hope is a son(n) we name son-ur or is it flock.
I reckon under Monarch and Pope "Karlar" became "Karlmenn" Men moved
in to "(Sveita)Bæjir"
(Bæjir: Sounds as dwelling places for humans in Hebrew).
Livestock moved into "(úti)Hús" around the "Bær" (farmer house).