He sends another service maid -outer towards- "Hrólf's Estate" for
the sons of Hrólfi, Þórði and Halla, and those, which there were
under arms.
Those both were holders and very well educated.
Estate is extensive piece of land usually with large house on it:
that is also Holder's "Staður".
"Gildur" today used for fat or legal.
By chapter 53 in "SkáldSkaparMál" What in Norway you call "Húskarl"
In Danmark or Sweden is called "Hirðmann" [ that is courtier].
That is Húskarl is less proprietor "Gildur" than his "Búandi" also
named "Höldur". See "Við Höld-um" but you Hold. [Hold-"er" is Holder]
"Gildur "(fat, legitimate) of family (heritage) and privileges (full
rights) by contemporary definataions.
"Menntir" as knowledge of construction: buildings, ships, ...
of calculation, of navigation, of astronomy, of metrology, of
meteorology, of hebrew, of greek, of latin, of courtesy...