Let the pump go! "Hún Lét dæluna ganga" or She talked without stops.
Preposition "af"
gera eitthvað af gleði, af hamingju, ánægju: we say I did it out of
gladness, out of happiness, out of joy.
"Kapp" from comes "kappi" is related to "Keppni" Competition,
"KappHlaup" are running(Hlaup) as races.
"Kappa" is name of Greek letter and that same letter is supported by
Perseus seen in left upper corner here in the northern hemisphere
"Kappi" marks priest neck. Perseus is seen holding the Head of
From "Kappa" plural acc. for "kappi" meaning competitor or hero.
"Kapi" is the horse rider's name as cavalier.
You know who has a cap on. Cape is "Höfði" from which we have "Höfuð"
the main or the haed it self.