From: Patricia
Message: 6155
Date: 2006-04-04
----- Original Message -----From: Blanc VodenSent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 9:53 PMSubject: [norse_course] fjörHi there,
For blundering?
ör,-var (female): an arrow;
ör,-s,(Neutral or both): a scar;
ör (adj): quick (we use also kvik for alive)
ör-end is she that is not alive or she is dead.
fjör, -s: is life
för is a journey or the marks left (by it)
fjör-egg: Life-egg: As it is the basis of giants existants (and
often out of its owner reach) one who destroys the egg destroys the
Here Modern men talk about "fjöregg" of fisch industry referring to
its basis or foundations.
I express (kveð) fast fjör(e)gg>fjörg. So it could mark the basical
existence of giants: Or the existing Giants: huge minded as Goð
They fía as it/he/she fíar: Dictionary says meant hate:
Maybe but what about fear: to be afread of :
"an egg is house full of food or container more abstract."
insinuate we say "ía"
v-ía is white larva that goes fly.
You say a p-lay we talk about Leik. "to play on" we say "að leika á"
(á rimes with how).
He the one that plays well is "leikinn" He the one which was played
on is also "leikinn" but usually it stands with "illa" (badly)
or "ekki vel" (not well): "illa leikinn".
I reckon Loki is not aware of how (playful) skillful is and that
the Huge Minded fear him also.
But how knows what F insinuates ?
Thuck (rimes with Lökk) or thanks
Is there threefold meaning in every thing or word.
Many views can be right at once.