Here’s my translation and grammar notes. A second opinion on underlined text would be most appreciated.


bragð: (l. 710) I initially took this ‘sudden move’ to be the sudden change in his fortunes, his great advances in accomplishments, his newfound boldness...albeit that it really was seven winters in the making. But I see other published translations consider it to be specifically his kind act or deed towards his destitute kinsman now servant. In terms of the placement of the sentence in the text this may be more appropriate, but neither my ON dictionary or MnI dictionary give this particular meaning.)


færi: (l. 711). This seems to me to be the comparative form of ‘fár’ but I can´t see why this form would be used, instead of simply ‘fár’





Þess er getit, at skip kom af hafi í Reyðarfjörð, ok var

(About) that (it) is related, that a ship arrived from (the) sea into Reyðarfjörð, and

695 stýrimaðr Eyvindr Bjarnason. Hann hafði útan verit sjau vetr.

Eyvind Bjarni´s son was captain. He had been abroad seven winters.

Eyvindr hafði míkit við gengizk um menntir ok var orðinn inn

Eyvind had greatly advanced himself in accomplishments and was (had) become the

vaskasti maðr. Eru honum sögð brátt þau tíðendi, er görzk

boldest man. (To) him are soon told those events, which had happened,

höfðu, ok lét hann sér um þat fátt finnask. Hann var fáskiptinn

and he allowed himself to be little concerned about that. He was a non-interfering



700 Ok þegar Sámr spyrr þetta, þá ríðr hann til skips. Verðr

And as soon as Sám learns this, then he rides to (the) ship. (There) is

mikill fagnafundr með þeim brœðrum. Sámr býðr

now a great joyous meeting between those brothers. Sám invites

honum vestr þangat. En Eyvindr tekr því vel ok biðr Sám

him (Eyvind) west thither. But (And) Eyvind takes (accepts) that well and asks Sám

ríða heim fyrir, en senda hesta á móti varningi hans. Hann setr

to ride home before (ie ahead of him), but (and to) send horses to a meeting (with) his cargo (ie back to meet / collect his cargo). He sets

upp skip sitt ok býr um. Sámr gerir svá, ferr heim ok lætr reka

up (beaches) his ship and prepares (it for the winter). Sám does so, journeys home and causes to drive

705 hesta á móti Eyvindi. Ok er hann hefir búit um varnað sinn,

horses to meet Eyvind. And when he has arranged his goods,

býr hann ferð sína til Hrafnkelsdals, ferr upp eptir Reyðarfirði.

he prepares (to make) his journey to Hrafnkelsdal, journeys up along Reyðarfjörð.

Þeir váru fimm saman. Inn sétti var skósveinn Eyvindar.

They were five together. The sixth was Eyvind´s servant. That one (he)

var íslenzkr at kyni, skyldr honum. Þenna svein hafði Eyvindr

was Icelandic by descent, related to him (Eyvind). This boy Eyvind had

tekit af válaði ok flutt útan með sér ok haldit sem sjálfan sik.

taken from poverty and brought aboard with him and treated (just) like himself.

710 Þetta bragð Eyvindar var uppi haft, ok var þat alþýðu rómr, at

This sudden change (in) Eyvind (or, Eyvind´s kind act?) was had up (brought up often), and that was (the) opinion of all people, that

færi væri hans líkar.

few(er) were his equals.

Þeir ríða upp Þórisdalsheiði ok ráku fyrir sér sextán klyfjaða

They ride up Þórisdalsheiðir and drive before them sixteen laden

hesta. Váru þar húskarlar Sáms tveir, en þrír farmenn. Váru

horses. Sám´s two house-servants were there, but (and) three sailors.

þeir ok allir í litklæðum ok riðu við fagra skjöldu. Þeír riðu um

They were also all in coloured clothing and rode with beautiful shields. They rode

715 þveran Skriðudal ok yfir háls yfir til Fljótsdals, þar sem heita

across Skriðudal and over (the) ridge over to Fljótsdal, there where are called

Bulungarvellir, ok ofan á Gilsáreyri. Hon gengr austr at

Bulungarvellir (Firewood Plains), and down to Gilsáreyri (Ravine River Shoal). It (She, the shoal) goes (extends) east to


fljótinu milli Hallormsstaða ok Hrafnkelsstaða.
Ríða þeir upp

the lake between Hallormsstaðir and Hrafnkelsstaðir. They ride up

með Lagarfljóti fyrir neðan völl á Hrafnkelsstöðum ok svá

by Lagarfljót below (the) plain to Hrafnkelsstaðir and so

fyrir vatnsbotninn ok yfir Jökulsá at Skálavaði. Þá var jafnnær

around the head of the lake and across Jökulsá (Glacier River) at Skalavað. Then (it) was mid way between

720 rismálum ok dagmálum.

rising time (6 o´clock) and breakfast time (9 o´clock).


Grammar Notes:


Þess                             þat: (pron)                      gen sg                           (Of) that

er                                  vera: (v)                          3s pres ind                     (it) is

getit,                             geta. (v)                         pp                                 recorded,

at                                                                                                           that

skip                               skip: (n)                         nom sg                          ship

kom                              koma. (v)                        3s past ind                     arrived

af                                                                                                           from

hafi                                haf: (n)                           dat sg                            sea

í                                                                                                             into

Reyðarfjörð,                   Reyðarfjörðr: (n)              acc sg                           Reyðarfjörð,

ok                                                                                                          and

var                                 vera: (v)                          3s pres ind                     was


stýrimaðr                       stýrimaðr: (n)                  nom sg                          captain

Eyvindr                          Eyvindr: (n)                     nom sg                          Eyvindr

Bjarnason.                     Bjarnasonr: (n)                nom sg                          Bjarni´s son.

Hann                             hann: (pron)                    nom sg                          He

hafði                              hafa: (v)                          3s past ind                     had

útan                                                                                                        abroad

verit                               vera: (v)                          pp                                 been

sjau                               sjau: (num)                     acc pl                            seven

vetr.                               vetr: (n)                          acc pl                            winters.

Eyvindr                          Eyvindr: (n)                     nom sg                          Eyvind

hafði                              hafa: (v)                          3s past ind                     had

míkit                              míkill: (adj as adv)                                               greatly

við                                                                                                          by

gengizk                         gangask (v refl)               pp ?                              advanced himself

um                                                                                                         in

menntir                          menntr: (n)                     acc pl                            accomplishments

ok                                                                                                          and

var                                 vera. (v)                          3s past ind                     was

orðinn                            verða: (v)                        pp                                 become

inn                                inn: (pron)                      nom sg                          the

vaskasti                         vaskr: (adj superl)           nom sg                          most bold

maðr.                            maðr: (n)                        nom sg                          man.

Eru                                vera: (v)                          3p pres ind                     Are

honum                           hann: (pron)                    dat sg                            (to) him

sögð                              segja: (v)                        pp                                 told

brátt                              bráðr: (adj as adv)                                                soon

þau                               þau: (pron)                     nom pl                           those

tíðendi,                          tíðendi: (n)                      nom pl                           events,

er                                                                                                           which

görzk                             gerask: (v refl)                 pp                                 happened

höfðu,                            hafa: (v)                          3p past ind                     had,

ok                                                                                                          and

lét                                 láta: (v)                          3s past ind                     allowed / caused

hann                              hann: (prom)                   nom sg                          he

sér                                sinn: (pron)                     dat sg                            himself

um                                                                                                         about

þat                                þat: (pron)                      acc sg                           that

fátt                                fár: (pron as adv)                                                 little

finnask.                         finnask: (v)                     inf                                 (to) be moved.

Hann                             hann: (pron)                    nom sg                          He

var                                 vera: (v)                          3s past ind                     was

fáskiptinn                       fáskiptinn: (adj)               nom sg                          not meddlesome

maðr.                            maðr: (n)                        nom sg                          man.


Ok                                                                                                          And

þegar                                                                                                      when

Sámr                  �

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