From: AThompson
Message: 5993
Date: 2006-02-27
Here’s my translation. I have underlined text I am not sure about and comments about these bits would be most welcome.
Question: how much of Hrafnkel´s property does Hrafnkel get to keep and how much does Sám take for himself? It hinges on the meaning of ‘skipti Hrafnkeli af’…(line 606) Does it mean ´took off Hrafnkel’ or ’apportioned / shared out / divided up to Hrafnkel’? Given Sám´s earlier statement (line 597) Hrafnkel shouldn´t expect much.
Sámr svarar: 'Tvá kosti geri ek þér, Hrafnkell. Sá annarr, at
Sám answers: I give you two choices. The first, that
þik skal leiða ór garði brott ok þá menn, sem mér
líkar, ok vera (what is the
grammatical subject of this verb?)
(I) shall lead you out of the farmyard, away, and those men, whom it please me, and to be
En með því at þú átt ómegð mikla fyrir at sjá, þá vil
killed. But because you have many dependents to provide for, then will
ek þess unna
þér, at þú sjáir þar fyrir. Ok ef þú vilt líf þiggja, 595
I grant this to you, that you should provide for (them) there. And if you want to accept (the) life (alternative) ,
þá far þú af Aðalbóli með allt lið þitt ok haf þá eina
fémuni, er
then go (you) from Aðalból with all your followers and have only those valuables, which
skef þér, ok mun þat harðla lítit, en ek skal taka staðfestu
I allot to you, and that will (be) very little, but I shall take your farmstead
þína ok mannaforráð allt. Skaltu aldri tilkall veita
né þínir
and all (your) authority of priest. You shall never lay (press) claim nor your
Hvergi skaltu nær vera en fyrir austan Fljótsdalsheiði,
heirs. You shall be (stay) nowhere near(er) than to (the) east of Fljótsdalsheið,
ok máttu nú eiga handsöl við mik, ef þú vilt þenna upp
taka.' 600
and you may now have handshakes with me, if you want to take this up.’ (shake hands on it with me if you want to accept this)
Hrafnkell mælti: 'Mörgum mundi betr þykkja skjótr dauði
Hrafnkell spoke: ’To many a quick death would seem better
slíkar hrakningar, en mér mun fara sem mörgum öðrum,
than such humiliations, but (it) will go (with) me as (for) many others,
lífit mun ek kjósa, ef kostr er. Geri ek þat mest sökum sona
that I will choose the life (option), if (there) is a choice. I do that mostly for (the) sake of my sons,
minna, því at lítil mun vera uppreist þeira, ef ek dey frá.(what function is this performing?)"
because their success will be little, if I die from (this).’
Þá er Hrafnkell leystr, ok seldi hann Sámi sjálfdœmi. 605
Then Hrafnkell is untied, and he gave to Sám ‘self-judgement’.
Sámr skipti Hrafnkeli af fé slíkt, er hann vildi, ok var þat (´took off Hrafnkel’ or ’apportioned to Hrafnkel’?)
Sám took off Hrafnkel such property, which he wanted, and that was
raunarlítit. Spjót sitt hafði Hrafnkell með sér, en ekki fleira
very little. Hrafnkel had his spear with him, but no more
Þenna dag forði Hrafnkell sik brott af Aðalbóli ok allt
weapons. On this day, Hrafnkel moved himself away from Aðalból and all
sitt fólk.
his people.
Þorgeirr mælti þá við Sám: 'Eigi veit ek, hví þú gerir (indicative or subjunctive?) þetta. 610
Thorgeir spoke then with Sám: ’I do not know, why you would do this.
þessa mest iðrask sjálfr, er þú gefr honum líf.'
You will yourself most repent of this, when you give life to him (spare his life).
Sámr kvað þá svá vera verða.
Sám declared then ´que sera sera’ (as (it) is will be).
Grammar notes:
Sámr nom
sg Sám
svarar: 3s pres ind answers
'Tvá tveir: (num) acc pl 'Two
kosti kostr: (n) acc pl choices
geri gera: (v) 1p pres ind make
ek ek: (pron) nom sg I
þér, þú: (pron) dat sg (to) you,
Hrafnkell. Hrafnkell: (n) nom sg Hrafnkell.
Sá sá: (pron) nom sg That
annarr, annarr: (pron) nom sg first,
at that
þik þú: (pron) acc sg you
skal skulu: (v) 3s pres ind (one) shall
leiða leiða: (v) inf lead
ór out of
garði garðr: (n) dat sg farm yard
brott away
ok and
þá þeir: (pron) acc pl those
menn, maðr: (n) acc pl men,
sem who
mér ek: (pron) dat sg me
líkar, líka: (v) 3s pres ind (it) pleases,
ok and
vera vera: (v) inf be
drepinn. drepa: (v) pp killed.
En But
með with
því þat: (pron) dat sg that
at that (because)
þú þú: (pron) nom sg you
átt eiga: (v) 2s pres ind possess
ómegð ómegð: (n) acc sg dependents
mikla mikill: (adj) acc sg large
fyrir for
at to
sjá, sjá: (v) inf provide,
þá then
vil vilja: (v) 1s pres ind want
ek ek: (pron) nom sg I
þess þat: (pron) gen sg of that
unna unna: (v) inf grant
þér, þú: (pron) dat sg (to) you,
at that
þú þú: (pron) nom sg you
sjáir sjá: (v) 2s pres subj should provide
þar there
fyrir. for.
Ok And
ef if
þú þú: (pron) nom sg you
vilt vilja: (v) 2s pres ind want
líf líf: (n) acc sg life
þiggja, þiggja: (v) inf (to) accept.
þá Then
far fara: (v) 2s imper journey
þú þú: (pron) nom sg you
af from
Aðalbóli Aðalból: (n) dat sg Aðalból
með with
allt allr: (pron) acc sg all
lið lið: (n) acc sg band
þitt þinn: (pron) acc sg your
ok and
haf hafa: (v) 2s imper have
þá then
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