H 592

From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 5988
Date: 2006-02-26

Thank you, Alan for all your work on Hrafnkell!

Sámr svarar: 'Tvá kosti geri ek þér, Hrafnkell. Sá annarr, at
Sam answers, "I make you two choices, H. The one, that

þik skal leiða ór garði brott ok þá menn, sem mér líkar, ok vera
you shall lead from the farmstead away and the men, as is pleasing to me, or

drepinn. En með því at þú átt ómegð mikla fyrir at sjá, þá vil
killed. But in case that (Zoega) you had great numbers of dependents before
to see, then

ek þess unna þér, at þú sjáir þar fyrir. Ok ef þú vilt líf þiggja, 595
I will allow you this, that you would see before (the same number of
dependents???). And if you wish to receive life

þá far þú af Aðalbóli með allt lið þitt ok haf þá eina fémuni, er
then you go from A. with all your people and have then some valuables, which

ek skef þér, ok mun þat harðla lítit, en ek skal taka staðfestu
I allot (to) you, and it will be very little, but I shall take your

þína ok mannaforráð allt. Skaltu aldri tilkall veita né þínir
and all authority. You shall never give claim (to it) nor your

erfingjar. Hvergi skaltu nær vera en fyrir austan Fljótsdalsheiði,
heirs. Nowhere shall you be near(er?) than east of F.,

ok máttu nú eiga handsöl við mik, ef þú vilt þenna upp taka.' 600
and may you now own (up to it with) handshake with me, if you will will

(yourself??) from this (place?)."

Hrafnkell mælti: 'Mörgum mundi betr þykkja skjótr dauði
H. spoke, "Many will think better quickly dead

en slíkar hrakningar, en mér mun fara sem mörgum öðrum,
than such humiliation, but (to) me will go as many others

at lífit mun ek kjósa, ef kostr er. Geri ek þat mest sökum sona
that I will choose life, if choice (there) is. I do it mostly (for the) sake

minna, því at lítil mun vera uppreist þeira, ef ek dey frá."
my sons, because little will be their success, if I die ?"

Þá er Hrafnkell leystr, ok seldi hann Sámi sjálfdomi. 605
Then H. is untied, and he delivered to Sam self judgement.

Sámr skipti Hrafnkeli af fé slíkt, er hann vildi, ok var þat
Sam shared to H. such of the valuables, which he wished, and it was

raunarlítit. Spjót sitt hafði Hrafnkell með sér, en ekki fleira
very little. H. had his spear with him, but no more

vápna. Þenna dag forði Hrafnkell sik brott af Aðalbóli ok allt
weapons. This day H. took himself away from A. and all his

sitt fólk.

Þorgeirr mælti þá við Sám: 'Eigi veit ek, hví þú gerir þetta. 610
Þorgeirr spoke then with Sam, "I don't know why you do this.

Muntu þessa mest iðrask sjálfr, er þú gefr honum líf.'
You will repent most of this yourself that you give him life.

Sámr kvað þá svá vera verða.
Sam said it so is to happen ??

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa

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