From: llama_nom
Message: 5982
Date: 2006-02-22
> I read the earlier translation some years ago; I hear that the new
> is WAY better...Thanks for the tip! The version I have is from 1930, translated by
> llama_nom wrote:tetralogy "Kristen
> > --- In, LM <lavrans@> wrote:
> > >
> >
> > > The only real reference I've ever seen is in the
> > > Lavransdottar" by Norwegian author Sigrid Undset.from
> >
> >
> > I must get round to reading more of that book sometime. Apart
> > being brilliantly written, it has lots of great period detail,like
> > the dangers of escaped farm animals (which is something thatcrops up
> > in Vápnfirðinga saga and the Guta lagh law code of Gotland).It
> > quotes from Hálfs saga ok Hálfsrekka at one point. Even thequaint,
> > but ominous, detail about not letting young children sleep nearto big
> > drunk men, for fear of a rolling-over tragedy, is mentioned inthe
> > Guta lagh.