From: Patricia
Message: 5954
Date: 2006-02-19
Forgive me Grace but I have to get a trifle gory here - I do not want to make you throw your tea. But we are all of the animal kingdom You can put butchers hooks behind the tendons of a pig and the ox too and the weight is borne well enough for you to slit and gut the thing.
I apologise for being so graphic, it is a job I know of and though I have never been a butcher, I insist that a visit to a meat factory where they cut the stuff up did not make me a vegetarian.
So why should there be difficulty with acknowledging that this could be done to a human, then was Hard Times Grace and people were cruel, but as Alan said in his comments - so truly - look at Iraq we are at our worst there. We are still Cruel for we are Human and it is our way
Blood and gore do not put me off because it is my way I am a Scorpion - any Astrologers out there
Grace I beg no offence is taken
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thru the tendon? It seems to me it should go between the tendon and the bone of the ankle since that is the way one might hang up an animal. I wonder if the tendon would hold the men's weight if it were cut even very carefully in half the long way. Grace Fred and Grace Hatton Hawley Pa | |||