From: Patricia
Message: 5946
Date: 2006-02-18
taka þeir Hrafnkel ok hans menn ok bundu hendr þeira
á bak
Then they rake Hrafnkell and his men and bind their hands behind their backs
þat brutu þeir upp útibúrit ok tóku reip ofan
ór krókum, taka síðan knífa
sína ok stinga raufar á hásinum
þeira ok draga þar í reipin ok kasta þeim svá
upp yfir ásinn ok
575 binda
þá svá átta saman.
After that they proke open the store and took down some fropes from the hools.they then took their knives and thrust into the tendons amd dragged the rope through (?the slits they made?) amd they throw the rope up over the beam and sgtrung them up eight together
mælti Þorgeirr: 'Svá er komit nú kosti yðrum, Hrafnkell,
sem makligt er, ok
mundi þér þykkja þetta ólíkligt, at þú
mundir slíka skömm fá af nökkurum
manni, sem nú er orðit.
Then said Thorgeirr "so this is (to) your cost/charge Hrafnkell and it seems to be fair, you might have thought it unlikely, that you could get so much (or such) shame from any man as now it has become
(In the next peice I saw the two eða's and an either/or - a choice)
hvárt viltu, Þorkell, nú gera: at sitja hér hjá Hrafnkeli ok
580 gæta þeira, eða viltu fara með
Sámi ór garði á brott í örskotshelgi
við binn ok heyja féránsdóm á grjóthól
nökkurum, þar sem
hvárki er akr né eng?'
What do you want Thorkell (want to do) sit here with Hrafnkell and watch over them or will you go with Sam away from the Farmstead, to a safe place, a (full) arrowshot from the farm and hold the confiscation court as some rocky mound (or place) where there is neither field (arable land) nor a meadow (pasture) (a local custom perhaps or spiritual rule)
Þetta skyldi í þann tíma gera, er sól væri í fullu suðri.
This should be done when the Sun is full due South
sagði: 'Ek vil hér sitja hjá Hrafnkeli. Sýnisk mér
585 þetta
Thorkell says "I will sit here with Hrafmkell is seems to be the lesser task
Þorgeirr ok Sámr fóru þá ok háðu féránsdóm, ganga
heim eptir þat ok tóku
Hrafnkel ofan ok hans menn ok settu
þá niðr í túninu, ok var sigit blóð fyrir
augu þeim.
Þá mælti Þorgeirr til Sáms, at hann skyldi gera við
590 slíkt, sem hann
vildi, -- 'því at mér sýnisk nú óvandleikit við
Then said Thorgeirr to Sam (that) he could do as he with Hrankell as he would wish - for it seems to me you will have no trouble with him
Anyone who views this with horror, (as indeed did I) could remember the people of the Sagas were a less civilised race than are we (???????) never the less the shock soon wore off and it all seems so logical, but you cannot keep a good guy down and even less - A Bad One.
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