From: llama_nom
Message: 5935
Date: 2006-02-14
> Some interesting grammar here (which
> Alan may have covered already in UNICODE!). váðási, the passive
> subject of 'var skotit' "was put/set" (Gwyn Jones "extended"), is
> dative because the verb 'skjóta' takes a dative object.
> objects become nominative in the passive, but the dative staysA nice example from 17th century Swedish:
> dative:
> skjóta e-u "shoot/shove something" (e.g. an arrow).
> e-u var skotit "something was shot/shoved" (or in this case put).
> bjarga e-m "to save someone"
> e-m var/varð borgit "someone was saved"