Here’s my translation. I have underlined items I am not confident about in both my translation and notes. Any assistance on these points, and any others where I have gone astray, would be welcome.





Hrafnkell gengr þegar til búðar ok lætr taka hesta sína ok

Hrafnkell goes at once to (his) booth and causes to take (has) his horses (brought) and

505 ríðr á brott af þingi ok unði illa við sínar málalykðir, því at hann

rides away from (the) Thing and enjoyed badly (was ill-pleased) with his case´s ending, because he

átti aldri fyrr slíkar. Ríðr hann þá austr Lyngdalsheiði ok svá
[because this is dative, does it thus have the sense of across rather than to?]

received never before such (a one). He rides then east across Lyngdalsheið and thus

austr á Síðu, ok eigi léttir hann fyrr en heima í Hrafnkelsdal

east to Síða, and did not stop until home (back) in Hrafnkelsdal

ok sezk á Aðalból ok lét sem ekki hefði í orðit.

and is settled at Aðalból and pretended as if nothing had happened.

En Sámr var á þingi ok gekk mjök uppstertr.

But Sám was (still) at (the) Thing and went (about) very elated.

510 Mörgum mönnum þykkir vel, þó at þann veg hafi at borizk,

To many men (it) seems well, that (it) (should) have turned out that way,

at Hrafnkell hafi hneykju farit, ok minnask nú, at hann hefir

that Hrafnkel (should) have suffered disgrace, and (they) remember now, that he has

mörgum ójafnað sýnt.

shown injustice to many.

Sámr bíðr til þess, at slitit er þinginu. Búask menn þá heim.

Sám awaits to that (time) that (it) is concluded at the Thing. Men prepare then (to go) home.

Þakkar hann þeim brœðrum sína liðveizlu, en Þorgeirr spurði [surely this pronoun must refer to Sám, but the construction appears odd to me]

He gives thanks to those brother for (coming to) his aid, but Thorgeir asked

515 Sám hlæjandi, hversu honum þœtti at fara. Hann lét vel yfir

Sám, laughing, how it seemed to him to go. He declared well about



Þorgeirr mælti: 'Þykkisk þú nú nökkuru nær en áðr?'

Thorgeir spoke: ’Do you think yourself now in any way closer than before?’

Sámr mælti: 'Beðit þykki mér Hrafnkell hafa sneypu, er

Sám spoke: ’Hrafnkell (would) seem to me to have suffered disgrace, which

lengi mun uppi vera, þessi hans sneypa, ok er þetta við mikla

will be up (last) a long time, this his disgrace, and this is equal to much

520 fémuni.'


'Eigi er maðrinn alsekr, meðan eigi er háðr féránsdómr, ok

’The man is not a complete outlaw, while (the) court of confiscation is not conducted (held), and

hlýtr þat at hans heimili at gera. Þat skal vera fjórtán nóttum [does this mean after 14 nights or within fourteen nights?]

that is obliged to be done at his home. That shall (must) be (within) fourteen nights

eptir vápnatak."

after Weapon-taking.’

En þat heitir vápnatak er alþýða ríðr af þingi.
But that is called Weapon-taking when all-people ride from (the) Thing.


Grammar notes:


Hrafnkell                        Hrafnkell: (n)                  nom sg                          Hrafnkel

var                                 vera: (v)                          3s past ind                     was

alsekr                            alsekr: (n)                      nom sg                          a full outlaw

á                                   á: (prep)                                                             at

þessu                            sjá, þessi: (pron)            dat sg                            this

þingi.                             þing: (n)                         dat sg                            Thing.

Hrafnkell                        Hrafnkell: (n)                  nom sg                          Hrafnkel

gengr                             ganga: (v)                       3s pres ind                     goes

þegar                                                                                                      at once

til                                                                                                           to

búðar                             búð: (n)                          gen sg                           (the) booth

ok                                                                                                          and

lætr                               láta (v)                           3s pres ind                     causes

taka                               taka: (v)                         inf                                 (to) take

hesta                             hestr: (n)                        acc pl                            horses

sína                               sinn: (pron)                    acc pl                            his

ok                                                                                                          and


ríðr                                ríða: (v)                          3s pres ind                     rides

á brott                                                                                                     away

af                                                                                                           from

þingi                              þing: (n)                         dat sg                            (the) Thing

ok                                                                                                          and

unði                               una: (v)                          3s past ind                     enjoyed

illa                                                                                                          badly

við                                                                                                          by

sínar                              sinn: (pron)                    acc pl                            his

málalykðir,                     málalykðir: (n pl)             acc pl                            case-ending

því at                                                                                                      because

hann                              hann: (pron)                   nom sg                          he

átti                                eiga: (v)                         3s past ind                     obtained

aldri                                                                                                        never

fyrr                                                                                                         before

slíkar.                            slíkr: (pron)                    acc pl                            such (a one).

Ríðr                               ríða: (v)                          3s pres ind                     Rides

hann                              hann: (pron)                   nom sg                          he

þá                                                                                                          then

austr                                                                                                       east

Lyngdalsheiði                 Lyngdalsheiðr: (n)           dat sg                            to Lingdale Heath

ok                                                                                                          and

svá                                                                                                         thus

austr                                                                                                       east

á                                                                                                            to

Síðu,                             Síða: (n)                        acc sg?                         Síða,

ok                                                                                                          and

eigi                                                                                                         not

léttir                               létta: (v)                         3s pres ind                     stops

hann                              hann: (pron)                   nom sg                          he

fyrr en                                                                                                     until

heima                                                                                                     at home / back

í                                                                                                             into

Hrafnkelsdal                   Hrafnkelsdalr: (n)            acc sg                           Hrafnkels Dale

ok                                                                                                          and

sezk                              setjask: (v refl)                3s pres ind                     is established

á                                                                                                            at

Aðalból                          Aðalból: (n)                    dat sg                            Aðalból

ok                                                                                                          and

lét                                 láta: (v)                          3s past ind                     acted

sem                                                                                                        as

ekki                                                                                                        nothing

hefði                              hafa: (v)                         3s past ind                     had

í                                                                                                             in

orðit.                              verða: (v)                        pp                                 happened.

En                                                                                                          But

Sámr                             Sámr: (n)                       nom sg                          Sám

var                                 vera: (v)                          3s past ind                     was

á                                                                                                            at

þingi                              þing: (n)                         dat sg                            (the) Thing

ok                                                                                                          and

gekk                              ganga: (v)                       3s past ind