Re: Hrafnkell 504-524

From: Patricia
Message: 5896
Date: 2006-01-27

Saell Alan
I have tried to leave you plenty of space, for the underlining and stuff, notwithstanding I think I've got the gist of it
Hrafnkell gengr þegar til búðar ok lætr taka hesta sína ok 505 ríðr á brott af þingi ok unði illa við sínar málalykðir, því at hann átti aldri fyrr slíkar.
Hrafnkell was able (Zoega) to go at once to (the) booths and (to) have his horses fetched and to
ride away from the Thing/Assembly and very ill-pleased with (the) case conslusion because never had this happened before
 Ríðr hann þá austr Lyngdalsheiði ok svá austr á Síðu, ok eigi léttir hann fyrr en heima í Hrafnkelsdal
ok sezk á Aðalból ok lét sem ekki hefði í orðit.
He rode East across Lyngdal's Heath amd then East to Siðr (is Soðu dative) and did not/made no
stop until he reached home at Hrafnkell's  Daleand (?reflex) settled himself at Adalbol just as if nothing had happened

En Sámr var á þingi ok gekk mjök uppstertr.
but Sam remained at the Thing went (about) very elated,
(I have seen this given as with his tail up)
510 Mörgum mönnum þykkir vel, þó at þann veg hafi at borizk, at Hrafnkell hafi hneykju farit, ok minnask nú, at hann hefir mörgum ójafnað sýnt.
Many People thought well (of this) even though Hragmkell was shamed/humiliated, and called to mind that (sýrit - ? he treated - 2md sing) many people unfairly
Sámr bíðr til þess, at slitit er þinginu. Búask menn þá heim. Þakkar hann þeim brœðrum sína liðveizlu,
Sam waited until this, the close of the Thing people started (?relfex again) to go home He thanked
those Brothers for their support
en Þorgeirr spurði 515 Sám hlæjandi, hversu honum þœtti at fara.
Hann lét vel yfir því.
But Thorgeirr asked Sam - laughingly how he thought things had gone
He was well over this (? he was well suited)
Þorgeirr mælti: 'Þykkisk þú nú nökkuru nær en áðr?'
Thorgeirr says  "Consider yourself now somewhat (better) than before
Sámr mælti: 'Beðit þykki mér Hrafnkell hafa sneypu, er lengi mun uppi vera, þessi hans sneypa, ok er þetta við mikla520 fémuni.'
Sam says " (Beðit?) - I think/ it occurs to me Hrafnkell has  such disgrace he may long be Mocked
/ridiculed  and there are many possessions involved
'Eigi er maðrinn alsekr, meðan eigi er háðr féránsdómr, ok hlýtr þat at hans heimili at gera. Þat skal vera fjórtán nóttum eptir vápnatak." En þat heitir vápnatak er alþýða ríðr af þingi.
(Thorgeirr ?)  No man is full-outlaw mpt until/while the Court of Confiscation has not been held.
and that must take place at his home that shall be a fortnight / fourtenn days after Weapon Taking
But that (is) called Weapon Taking when all people ride out from the Thing/Assembly
I hope to have done better here, Alan, because I've started reading through the text you give and
am beginning to understand, I have had a little help with this.
I have tried to not use the Red, it was beginning to cause confusion

----- Original Message -----
From: AThompson
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 7:00 AM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Hrafnkell 504-524

Here’s the next instalment of Hrafnkel’s Saga.





Hrafnkell gengr þegar til búðar ok lætr taka hesta sína ok
505 ríðr á brott af þingi ok unði illa við sínar málalykðir, því at hann
átti aldri fyrr slíkar. Ríðr hann þá austr Lyngdalsheiði ok svá
austr á Síðu, ok eigi léttir hann fyrr en heima í Hrafnkelsdal
ok sezk á Aðalból ok lét sem ekki hefði í orðit.
En Sámr var á þingi ok gekk mjök uppstertr.
510 Mörgum mönnum þykkir vel, þó at þann veg hafi at borizk,
at Hrafnkell hafi hneykju farit, ok minnask nú, at hann hefir
mörgum ójafnað sýnt.
Sámr bíðr til þess, at slitit er þinginu. Búask menn þá heim.
Þakkar hann þeim brœðrum sína liðveizlu, en Þorgeirr spurði
515 Sám hlæjandi, hversu honum þœtti at fara. Hann lét vel yfir
Þorgeirr mælti: 'Þykkisk þú nú nökkuru nær en áðr?'
Sámr mælti: 'Beðit þykki mér Hrafnkell hafa sneypu, er
lengi mun uppi vera, þessi hans sneypa, ok er þetta við mikla
520 fémuni.'
'Eigi er maðrinn alsekr, meðan eigi er háðr féránsdómr, ok
hlýtr þat at hans heimili at gera. Þat skal vera fjórtán nóttum
eptir vápnatak."
En þat heitir vápnatak er alþýða ríðr af þingi.

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