Good to be back translating! Happy New Year to all!


480 Nú sitja þeir, þar til er dómar fara út. Þá kveðr Sámr upp
Now they sit, there until when (they) go before the court. Then Sam summons

menn sína ok gengr til lögbergs. Var þar þá dómr settr. Sámr
his men and goes to the law rock. It was there the court sat. Sam

gekk djarfliga at dóminum. Hann hefr þegar upp váttnefnu
went boldly to the court. He at once begins calling witnesses

ok sótti mál sitt at réttum landslögum á hendr Hrafnkeli goða,
and prosecuted his lawsuit in lawful claim (in accordance with?) law of the

against (Gordon) chieftain Hrafnkel

miskviðalaust með sköruligum flutningi. Þessu næst koma
without flaw in procedure with bold pleading. After this come

485 þeir Þjóstarssynir með mikla sveit manna. Allir menn vestan
Þjóstar's sons with with a great body of men. All (the) men west

af landi veittu þeim lið, ok sýndisk þat, at Þjóstarssynir váru
from the country give them help, and it seems that, that Þjóstar's sons

menn vinsælir. Sámr sótti málit í dóm, þangat til er Hrafnkeli
popular men. Sam prosecuted the suit in court, until when to Hrafnkel

var boðit til varnar, nema sá maðr væri þar við staddr, er
was summoned to (his ) defense, except such a man were there with standing
??, when

lögvörn vildi frammi hafa fyrir hann at réttu lögmáli. Rómr
defense would have produced for him (the need?) to put right the lawsuit.

490 varð mikill at máli Sáms. Kvazk engi vilja lögvörn fram bera
was great at Sam's lawsuit. (People) said for Hrafnkel, the defense would
not succeed.

fyrir Hrafnkel.

Menn hlupu til búðar Hrafnkels ok sögðu honum, hvat um
Men rushed to Hrafnkel's booths and told to him, what was to be.

var at vera.

Hann veiksk við skjótt ok kvaddi upp menn sína ok gekk til
He wakes(?) with speed and summoned his men and went to

495 dóma, hugði, at þar myndi lítil vörn fyrir landi. Hafði hann
court, thinking, that there can be little defense to be found in the land.

He had

þat í hug sér at leiða smámönnum at sokja mál á hendr honum.
it in his mind to make insignificant men tired of it (Gordon) (to wear them
down?) to seek a lawsuit against him.

Ætlaði hann at hleypa upp dóminum fyrir Sámi ok hrekja
He intended to break up the court for Sam and force

hann af málinu. En þess var nú eigi kostr. Þar var fyrir sá
him to abandon the lawsuit. (Gordon) But of this was now no opportunity.

There was in the way (Gordon) such

mannfjölði, at Hrafnkell komsk hvergi nær. Var honum þrøngt
a large crowd of men, that Hrafnkel came nowhere near. (It) was to him

500 frá í brottu með miklu ofríki, svá at hann náði eigi at heyra mál
crushed concerning away? with great tyranny, so that he need ? not hear
their lawsuit

þeira, er hann sóttu. Var honum því óhægt at fora lögvörn
which he sought. ( It ) was to him for this reason difficult to bring a

fram fyrir sik. En Sámr sótti málit til fullra laga, til þess er
against it for himself. But Sam sought (to press the) lawsuit to the full
extent of the law, (Gordon) to of this which

Hrafnkell var alsekr á þessu þingi.

Hrafnkel was full outlaw at this Thing.

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa