An experiment...
BACKSTORY. Ögmundr has been attacked in an ambush by the sons of Þórðr. Dagstyggr (referred to sarcastically as "Hildibrandr´s battle-brave brother" in the first stanza) Ögmundr him with a spear, after which Ögmundr sat down. He asks to see a priest, ef þeir vildi hann at lífi taka (if they want to take him alive)--the implication being that he´s mortally wounded and wants the last rights, but unbeknownst to them, he was wearing armour. Dagstyggr and Hildibrandr would rather kill him now, but Hákon convinces them not to. He offers to bind Ögmundr´s wound, but Ögmundr refuses. They go home and send for a priest, but when the priest arrives, Ögmundr has escaped. Later Ögmundr and Dagstyggr each compose a verse about the incident.
If all goes well, you should see the Old Norse on the left and English on the right, in various convenient colours. Note, some poetic contractions and archaicisms: vark = var ek "was I"; þás = þá es = þá er "when"; emk = em ek "am I"; órum = várum "our" (dative masculine singular); sák = sá ek "saw I".
Þetta kvað Ögmundr um Dagstygg:
Mér réð á bak bróðir Behind my back did brother
böðvarstyrkr í myrkri battle-strong in the dark
(hoeg raun var þat hánum) (that was an easy trial
Hildibrands at standa, for him) Hildidrandr´s stand.
þás læbrigðir lagði when the harm-wielder/drawer
(liðinn stormr var þá orma stabbed (passed was then the storm
áðr vark felldr til foldar of serpents before I was felled to the earth
fóthrumr) á mér spjóti. foot-weary) me with spear.
Hildidrandr´s battle-strong brother did stand behind my back in the dark--that was an easy trial for him--when the harm-wielder/drawer (=wielder of weapon, warrior) stabbed me with [his] spear. The storm of serpents (=battle; serpents [of war] = swords) was over before I was felled foot-weary to the ground.
Þá kvað Dagstyggr:
Því emk hljóðr, er hríðar I am silent because storm´s
hyrsveigir fekk eigi fire-wielder did not receive
endr af órum fundi formerly from our meeting
aldrtjón roðins skjaldar, loss-of-life of reddened shield,
en því glaðr, at goeði but glad because the provider
geirhríðar sák skríða, of spear-blizzard I saw creep,
soeki sára tíra, the advancer of sparkles of wounds,
sunnan lágt meðal runna. from the south, humbly, between shubs.
I am silent because the wielder of the fire-storm of reddened shield (=wielder of fire of storm of reddened shield = wielder of "fire of battle" = sword-wielder = warrior) did not receive loss of life from our meeting then, but glad because I saw the provider of spear-blizzard (provider of battle = warrior), the advancer of sparkles of wounds (=advancer of swords = warrior), creep north, low/humbly, between shrubs.