> 10. Hjoggum vér með hjörvi.
> Hildr vas sýnt í vexti,
> áðr Freyr konungr felli
> í Flæmingja veldi.
> Náði blár at bíta
> blóði smeltr í gyltan
> Högna kufl at hjaldri
> harðr bengrefill forðum.
> Mær grét morginskæru
> mörg, en tafn fekksk vörgum.
> 10. Battle was clearly/visibly increasing before King Freyr fell
> the realm of the Flemings (=Flanders). Hard wound-hoe (=sword),
> enamalled with blood, succeeded in biting Högni's gilt cloak
> byrnie) in battle long ago. Many a girl wept over that clash at
> morning. Food/carrion was given to wolves.
> Other online versions have `ferðum', dative of `ferð' "journey",
> place of `forðum' "of old".
I see that 'ferð' can also be "a troop of men", in which case maybe
it´s a dative of respect, the sword bites/cuts/pierces the armour of
I missed out a word, that should read: "Hard blue (i.e. metallic,
steel-coloured) wound-hoe..."