Re: Hrafnkell 441 Comments for Grace

From: AThompson
Message: 5798
Date: 2005-12-06



Comment inserted. I have tended just to highlight the wo rds which I want to comment on. I suggest with these that you then refer to my translation and grammar notes for further explanation. It might be easier for me to take this as a normal approach in the future.





-----Original Message-----

From: [] On Behalf Of Fred and Grace Hatton

Sent: Saturday, 3 December 2005 11:35 PM


Subject: [norse_course] Hrafnkell 441


It seems to start off so well and then as Þorkell's sentence gets longer his

train of thought gets me derailed. ( sigh)


But I do think I am learning and I very much enjoy the translating!








Þorkell segir: 'Þat má vera, at svá foeri mér at, ef ek væri

Þorkell says, "That may be, that so (it)  would go as rega rds me, if I were




höfðingi, at mér þoetti illt at deila við Hrafnkel, en eigi sýnisk

chief, that (it) would have seemed bad to me to contend with H., but it

doesn't seem so to me,




mér svá, fyrir því at mér þoetti við þann bezt at eiga, er allir

because, (it ) seemed [would seem, subjunctive] to me it best to deal with [that one] it, when [who] all




hrekjask fyrir áðr. Ok þoetti mér mikit vaxa mín virðing eða

are confounded by (Gordon) (it) before.  And (it) seemed [would seem, subjunctive] to me my honor grows greater [greatly] but [or]




445 þess höfðingja, er á Hrafnkel gæti nökkura vík róit, en minnkask

for (?) this chief [of that chieftain], who gets [can, is able to] gets a certain pull over H. (Gordon),  but not diminished [to diminish, inf reflexive],




ekki, þó at mér foeri sem öðrum, fyrir því at mér þat, sem

that [although] to me it would [were to] go as with others, because it may [may (happen)] to me, as




yfir margan gengr. Hefir sá ok jafnan, er hættir.'

(it) has gone over many.  He who wins [possibly, I’m a bit uncertain about this but, as a saying, it makes sense] and always (is he) who risks."




'Sé ek', segir Þorgeirr, 'hversu þér er gefit, at þú vilt veita

"I see,"says Þorgeirr, "how you are disposed, that you will [want to] help




þessum mönnum. Nú mun ek selja þér í hendr goðorð mitt

these men.  Now I will give (back? [yes, implied]) to you in (your) hands my rank of





450 ok mannaforráð, ok haf þú þat, sem ek hefi haft áðr, en þaðan

and authority, and you have it, as [long as (Gordon)] I have had before, but thereafter




af höfum vit jöfnuð af báðir, ok veittu þá þeim, er þú vilt.'

we have equal of [an equal share of (it) both [this is the subject, ie “we both”], and you help [then] them (with?) it, when [those who] you wish."




'Svá sýnisk mér', segir Þorkell, 'sem þá muni goðorð várt

"So (it) seems to me," says Þorkell, "as [then] it the rank of chieftan would scarcely [our rank og chieftain will]




bezt komit, er þú hafir sem lengst. Ann ek engum svá vel sem

best come (to me?)[be placed], when you have (it) the longest.  I [allow, expect ]am not [to none] so well able as




þér at hafa, því at þú hefir marga hluti til menntar um fram

you to have (it), because you have greater share to accomplishments (as) [many things of accomplishment] above all




455 alla oss broeðr, en ek óráðinn, hvat er ek vil af mér gera at

of us brothers, but I (would be??) badly advised (?) [am undecided], what when [(it) is] I want from me to happen [do] at once [(the) moment]. ??




bragði. En þú veizt, frændi, at ek hefi til fás hlutazk, síðan ek

But you know, kinsman,  that I have meddled little, since I




kom til Íslands. Má ek nú sjá, hvat mín ráð eru. Nú hefi ek

came to Iceland .  I can now see, what is advisable for me.  Now I have




flutt sem ek mun at sinni. Kann vera, at Þorkell leppr komi

recited, as I will to him [for the present].  Understand to be (it is possible (Gordon), that Þorkell [lock, nickname]  ??? came




þar, at hans orð verði meir metin.'


there, that his word would become more esteemed."




Fred and Grace Hatton

Hawley Pa




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