Hmm... You're very observant. Your question is answered to some extent in
Óskar's/mine (?) lesson 9, section 1.4:
Be careful that some of the lessons may contain our own terminology,
something I would avoid if I were writing this today...
And I should probably change that stylesheet. What's with the huge
headings? :)
> I have begun to look through the Grammar charts and word entry's in "A
> Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic" by Geir T. Zoëga but have become
> confused with the syntax of the entries. For example, the entry for
> 'ormr':
> ormr (-s, -ar), m. snake, serpent.
> So, I would assume that this would then belong to the "Strong
> Masculine 1st Declension" group, because that is titled with "1st
> Declension, gen. sing. -s, nom. pl. -ar, acc. pl. -a."
> I do not understand why Zoëga did not then just list it as
> ormr (1st), m. snake, serpent
> But I digress. The entry for 'fors':
> fors (pl. -ar), m. waterfall.
> Now, which declension is one to assume this noun belongs to?
> As well, are nouns whose entries are listed simply as
> noun, gender. definition.
> in the "weak declension" category?
> What is more is that there seems to be no explanation for
> abbreviations, such as "pr." and "pp." or "p."
> Also, charts for weak/strong verbs and their classes/declensions are
> given, but how does the entry of a verb indicate which it belongs to?
> So it seems my stream of questions is over for the moment! :)
> -Sebastian
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