Thanks, Alan, for all your excellent work! This first part seemed to go
well, but then things started going downhill.


Þorgeirr segir: 'Ekki hugða ek, at hann mætti mik þessa 420
Þorgeirr says, "I didn't think that he that he could blame me for this,

kunna, því at eigi drap ek son hans, ok má hann af því eigi á
because I didn't kill his son, and he can not take vengeance on me (because
of) this."

mér þessu hefna.'

'Eigi vildi hann á þér þessu hefna', segir Þorkell, 'en fór
"He won't take vengeance on you for this," says Þorkell, "but he

hann at þér harðara en hann vildi, ok galt hann óskygnleika
went to you more swiftly than he wanted, and he owes (it) to his

425 síns, en vænti sér af þér nökkurs trausts. Er þat nú drengskapr
blindness, but he hopes from you some support. It is now highmindedness

at veita gömlum manni ok þurftigum. Er honum þetta
to give (support) to an old and needy man. This need is to him,

nauðsyn, en eigi seiling, þó at hann mæli eptir son sinn, en nú
but not seeking for a thing (?) although he speaks about his son, but now

ganga allir höfðingjar undan liðveizlu við þessa menn ok sýna
all chiefs go away? (from?) support with these men and show

í því mikinn ódrengskap.'
in it great lack of courage."

430 Þorgeirr mælti: 'Við hvern eigu þessir menn at kæra?'
Þorgeirr spoke, "With whom do these men have a quarrel?"

Þorkell svaraði: 'Hrafnkell goði hefir vegit son hans
Þorkell answered, " Chief H. has slain his son, Þorbjorn,

Þorbjarnar saklausan. Vinnr hann hvert óverk at öðru, en vill
for no reason. He performs which evil deed to another, but will

engum manni sóma vinna fyrir.'
to no man perform as befitting in compensation."

Þorgeirr mælti: 'Svá mun mér fara sem öðrum, at ek veit
Þorgeirr spoke, "So will (it) go to me as others, that I give

435 eigi mik þessum mönnum svá gott upp at inna, at ek vilja
not myself to these men so good ( I couldn't make sense of the rest) to sum
up (?) that I will

ganga í deilur við Hrafnkel. Þykki mér hann einn veg fara
enter into a lawsuit with H. Seems to me he goes one way (?)

hvert sumar við þá menn, sem málum eigu at skipta við hann,
when summer with it men (??), as to be of importance to him,

at flestir menn fá litla virðing eða enga, áðr lúki, ok sé ek þar
that most men do little of value but any, before the end (?), and I see

fara einn veg öllum. Get ek af því flesta menn ófúsa til, þá
to go one way for all. I think therefore most men unwilling to (do), it

440 sem engi nauðsyn dregr til.'
as no need draws to (it)."

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa