Hrafnkell 362

From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 5700
Date: 2005-11-13

'Viltu nökkut liðsinni okkr veita?' segir Sámr.
"Do you wish to give us some assistance?" says Sam.

'Hvers þurfu þit við?' segir Þorkell.
"What kind (of help) do you need with (it)?" says Þorkell.

'Liðsinnis ok afla höfðingja', segir Sámr, 'því at vit eigum
"Assistance and acquisition of chiefs," says Sam, " because we have

365 málum at skipta við Hrafnkel goða um víg Einars Þorbjarnar-
a right to deal (Gordon) with chief H. regarding the killing of Einar,

sonar, en vit megum vel hlíta okkrum flutningi með þínu
Þorbjarnar's son, but we can well trust our suit with your


Þorkell svarar: 'Svá er sem ek sagða, at ek em engi goðorðsmaðr.'
Þorkell answers, " As it (is?) that I said, that I am not a man of chieftain

'Hví ertu svá afskipta görr, þar sem þú ert höfðingjasonr
"Why are you so cheated (done to so badly?), there as you are son of a chief

370 sem aðrir broðr þínir?"
as (are) your other brothers?"

Þorkell sagði: 'Eigi sagða ek þér þat, at ek ætta þat eigi, en
Þorkell said, "I didn't say that to you, that I had it not, but

ek selda þat í hendr Þorgeiri, bróður mínum, mannaforráð
I ? it in the hands of Þorgeirr, my brother, my authoritiy,

mitt, áðr en ek fór útan. Síðan hefi ek eigi við tekit, fyrir því
but before I went abroad. Since, I have not received (my due?), for

at mér þykkir vel komit, meðan hann varðveitir. Gangi þit á
to me it seemed better (?), meanwhile he keeps (my inheritance or my
possessions?). Go you to

375 fund hans. Biðið hann ásjá. Hann er skörungr í skapi ok
a meeting (with) him. Ask him for help. He is a leader by temperament and

drengr góðr ok í alla staði vel menntr, ungr maðr ok metnaðar-
a valiant chief and in every respect well accomplished, young man and

gjarn. Eru slíkir menn vænstir til at veita ykkr liðsinni.'
Such men are likely to give you assistance."

Sámr segir: 'Af honum munum vit ekki fá, nema þú sér í
Sam says, "From him we cannot (help) unless you are in

flutningi með okkr.'
help (alliance?) with us."

380 Þorkell segir: 'Því mun ek heita at vera heldr með ykkr en
Þorkell says, "Because I may promise to be rather with you in return

mótí, með því at mér þykkir orin nauðsyn til at mæla eptir
in case that it seems to me sufficient need to take up the prosecution for
the slaying of (Gordon)

náskyldan mann. Fari þit nú fyrir til búðarinnar ok gangið inn
a closely related man. You go now ahead to the booths and go in to

í búðina. Er mannfólk í svefni. Þit munuð sjá, hvar standa
the booth. When men (are overcome) in sleepiness. You can see, where stand

innar um þvera búðina tvau húðföt, ok reis ek upp ór öðru,
inside over across the booth two hammocks, and I (will) get up out of one

385 en í öðru hvílir Þorgeirr, bróðir minn. Hann hefir haft kveisu
but in the other rests my brother, Þorgeirr. He has had a great boil

mikla í fotinum, síðan hann kom á þingit, ok því hefir hann
on (his) foot, since he came from the Thing, and it has (allowed) him

lítit sofit um notr. En nú sprakk fótrinn í nótt, ok er ór
little sleep at night. But now the (boil on the) foot burst in the night,
and the core of the

kveisunaglinn. En nú hefir hann sofnat síðan ok hefir réttan
boil is out. But now he has slept since and has stretched

fótinn út undan fötunum fram á fótafjölina sakar ofrhita, er á
the foot out (because of ?) overheating under the foot from far into the
(risk of ) harm at the footstep (of others? - - I got lost here) when it is

390 er fotinum. Gangi sá inn gamli maðr fyrir ok svá innar eptir
to the feet???? Go this the old man before and so inside (towards?) the

búðinni. Mér sýnisk hann mjök hrymðr bæði at sýn ok elli.
of the booth. He seems to me very infirm both in vision and old age

Þá er þú, maðr', segir Þorkell, 'kemr at húðfatinu, skaltu rasa
It is you, man," says Þorkell, "(who) comes to the hammock, you shall

mjök ok fall á fótafjölina ok tak í tána þá, er um er bundit, ok
much and fall in the footsteps (walkway?) and take ? that about which (it -
the hammock?) is tied and

hnykk at þér ok vit, hversu hann verðr við."
pull hard that you and we (see?) how he deals with (it)?"

395 Sámr mælti: 'Heilráðr muntu okkr vera, en eigi sýnisk mér
Sam spoke, "Good adviser may you be to us, but this doesn't seem to me

þetta ráðligt.'

Þorkell svarar: 'Annat hvárt verði þit at gera, at hafa þat, sem
Þorkell answers, "Whatever you happen to do, to have it, as

ek legg til, eða leita ekki ráða til mín.'
I contribute, but not to seek my advice." (I'm lost here.)

Sámr mælti ok segir: 'Svá skal gera sem hann gefr ráð til.'
Sam spoke and says, " So shall be done as he give advice about."

400 Þorkell kvazk mundu ganga síðar, -- 'því at ek bíð manna
Þorkell said he would go later, " Because I (will) tell my men."



Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa

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