From: AThompson
Message: 5664
Date: 2005-10-27
Hi Laurel
Please find inserted comments. I know they are brief but hopefully they are adequate. I have underlined the words or phrases in the original text where I have something to add and provided either a brief explanation under your translation or an alternate reading within your translation. I hope you can make sense of this.
-----Original Message-----
[] On
Behalf Of Laurel Bradshaw
Sunday, 23 October 2005
8:16 AM
Subject: [norse_course] Catching
up! Hrafnkell 200-224 / Laurel
I'm playing catch-up and feeling very rusty, so please be kind!
Sonu þína ok dœtr skulum vit í brott leysa með minni forsjá
sons - your - and - daughters - shall - we (dual) - away - send (find places for) - with - my - patronage
We will find places elsewhere for your sons and daughters (and set them up) under my patronage
ok efla þau svá, at þau mætti fá góða kosti af því.
and - support - them - so - that - they - may be able to - get - good – opportunities (marriage) - from - this [that]
and support them, so that they might make good matches because of this.
Ok allt, er þú veizt í mínum hirzlum vera
and - everything - which - you - know - among - my - possessions - to be
And anything that you know to be in my possession
ok þú þarft at hafa heðan af,
and - you - need - to - have - henceforward
and you need to have from now on
[And from now on, anything that you know to be in my possession, and need to have,]
þá skaltu mér til segja ok eigi fyrir skart sitja heðan af um þá hluti,
then - shall you - of me - to obtain [say, tell] - give information of - and - not - ahead - diminished - remain - henceforward - about - these - things
then you must tell me about it and never do without these things again,
Gordon glosses sitja fyrir skart um e-t as “live in wont of”; so “not live, henceforward, in want of those things”
sem þú þarft at hafa.
which - you - need - to - have
which you need to have.
[then you must tell me about these things you need to have, and never do without them again.]
Skaltu búa, meðan þér þykkir gaman at,
shall you - have a household [dwell, keep house?] - in the meantime [while, conj] - to you - seems - a pleasure - from
You will live on your farm as long as you wish to,
en fara þá hingat, er þér leiðisk.
but - travel - then - hither - when - to you - become tired of
and then come here when you become tired of that.
Mun ek þá annask þik til dauðadags.
Must [will] - I - then - take care of / provide for - you - until - dying-day
I will then take care of you until your dying day.
Skulum vit þá vera sáttir. Vil ek þess vænta,
shall - we two - then - be - reconciled – will [want?] - I - of this - expect
Let us then settle on this. About this, I expect
I think this is simply a statement: “we shall then be reconciled...”
at þat mæli fleiri, at sjá maðr sé vel dýrr.'
about - that - would speak - comparatively more - this - man - would be - well - dear / expensive
that most (people) would say that this man was very expensive."
'Ek vil eigi þennan kost', segir Þorbjõrn.
I - want - not - those - terms - says - Þorbjõrn
"I don't want those terms", said Thorbjorn.
'Hvern viltu þá?' segir Hrafnkell.
what - want you - then - says Hrafnkell
"What do you want then?" said Hrafnkel.
Þá segir Þorbjõrn: 'Ek vil, at vit takim menn til gørðar með okkr.'
then - says - Þorbjõrn - I - want - that - we two - choose - men - to obtain – arbitration [for arbitration, noun] - with - each other
Then Thorbjorn said, "I want us to choose men to arbitrate between us."
Hrafnkell svarar: 'Þá þykkisk þú jafnmenntr mér,
Hrafnkell - answers - then - you think - you - of equal rank - to me
Hrafnkel answered: " Then you consider yourself as my equal,
ok munum vit ekki at því sættask.'
and - shall - we two - never - on [that] such a condition - be reconciled
and on that basis we will never come to an agreement."
Þá reið Þorbjõrn í brott ok ofan eptir Hrafnkelsdal.
then - rode - Þorbjõrn - away - and - down - along - Hrafnkelsdalr
Then Thorbjorn rode away, down through Hrafnkelsdale.
Hann kom til Laugarhúsa ok hittir Bjarna, bróður sinn,
he - came - to - Laugarhús - and – met [meets] - Bjarni - brother - his
He came to Laugarhus and met Bjarni his brother,
ok segir honum þessi tíðendi, biðr,
and - says - to him - these - tidings - asking
and told him this news, asking
at hann muni nõkkurn hlut í eiga um þessi mál.
that - he – must [will] - a certain - share - to - have a claim - about - this - cause
him to take a share in the claim regarding this matter.
Gordon glosses eiga hlut í as “take part in”
Bjarni kvað eigi sitt jafnmenni við at eiga, þar er Hrafnkell er.
Bjarni - declared - not - his - equal in rank - concerning - having to deal with - where - Hrafnkell - is
Bjarni declared that he would not be dealing with an equal, in the case of Hrafnkel.
'En þó at vér stýrim penningum miklum,
but -even - though - we - possess - coin - great
"Even though we possess a great sum of money,
þá megum vér ekki deila af kappi við Hrafnkel,
receive - can - we – nothing [not] – contending with - a competition [contend] - with - Hrafnkell
we can achieve nothing by getting involved in a dispute with Hrafnkel.
ok er þat satt, at sá er svinnr, er sik kann.
and - is - that - true - that - he - is - a wise man - who - himself - knows
It is true that "It is a wise man who knows himself."
Hefir hann þá marga málaferlum vafit,
has - he - then - many - of lawsuits - entangled
He has entangled many in lawsuits
er meira bein hafa í hendi haft en vér.
who - more - bone - have (pl.) - in - hand – have [had, pp] - than - we
who are more powerful than we are.
Sýnisk mér þú vitlítill við hafa orðit,
seems - to me - you - having little sense - concerning - taking - the word
I think you were foolish concerning the offer,
I think orðit is pp of verða, ie ‘it seems to me you have become foolish (acted foolishly)’
er þú hefir svá góðum kostum neitat.
when - you - have - such - good - terms - refused
when you refused such good terms.
Vil ek mér hér engu af skipta.'
want - I - to me - from this - none - of – place [to concern myself with none (of it)]
I don't want any part in this."
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