From: AThompson
Message: 5658
Date: 2005-10-24
You made a very silly mistake:
Þetta þing var harðla fjölmennt.
That [This]
Thing was very crowded.
Þetta sjá, þessi: (pron) nom sg neut This
-----Original Message-----
[] On
Behalf Of AThompson
Monday, 24 October 2005
7:37 PM
Subject: RE: [norse_course]
Hrafnkell 295-308 \ Alan's Translation
My translation:
Þetta þing var harðla fjölmennt.
That Thing was very crowded.
Váru þar flestir höfðingjar, þeir er váru á Íslandi.
Most chieftains were there, those who were in Iceland.
Sámr finnr alla höfðingja ok bað sér trausts ok liðsinnis,
Sám visits all chieftains and requested support and help for himself
en einn veg svöruðu allir,
but all answered one way,
at engi kvazk eiga svá gott Sámi upp at gjalda,
that none declared himself to be obliged to pay up to (ie none owed) Sám such a good [turn],
at ganga vildi í deild við Hrafnkel goða ok hætta svá sinni virðingu,
that (he) wanted to go in litigation against Hrafnkel [the] priest and risk his honour,
segja ok þat einn veg flestum farit hafa,
say[ing] also that one way [it] to have gone with most,
þeim er þingdeilur við Hrafnkel hafa haft,
those who have had Thing-suits against Hrafnkel,
at hann hafi alla menn hrakit af málaferlum þeim,
that he has driven away all men from those lawsuits,
er við hann hafa haft.
which [they] have had against him.
Sámr gengr heim til búðar sinnar,
Sám goes back to his booth,
ok var þeim frændum þungt í skapi ok uggðu,
and was, with those kinsmen, heavy in mood and feared,
at þeira mál mundi svá niðr falla,
that their case would so fall down,
at þeir mundi ekki fyrir hafa nema skömm ok svívirðing.
that they would have (gotten) nothing for [it] have except shame and disgrace.
Ok svá mikla áhyggju hafa þeir frændr,
And so great anxiety those kinsmen have,
at þeir njóta hvárki svefns né matar,
that they enjoy neither sleep nor food,
því at allir höfðingjar skárusk undan liðsinni við þá frændr,
because all chiefs drew back from support with those kinsmen,
jafnvel þeir, sem þeir væntu, at þeim mundi lið veita.
even those, who they expected, that to them would give aid.
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