295 Þetta þing var harðla fjölmennt. Váru þar flestir höfðingjar,

At the Thing was a very (big) crowd.  Most of the chiefs were there,


þeir er váru á Íslandi. Sámr finnr alla höfðingja ok bað sér

they who were in Iceland.  Sam finds all the chiefs and asked for himself


trausts ok liðsinnis, en einn veg svöruðu allir, at engi kvazk

support and assistance, but all answered in one way, that no talk?


eiga svá gott Sámi upp at gjalda, at ganga vildi í deild við

(would be good enough?) of possessions so good to repay, to wish to undertake a lawsuit with


Hrafnkel goða ok hætta svá sinni virðingu, segja ok þat einn

the chief, Hrafnkel, and so risk one’s reputation, also said that the


300 veg flestum farit hafa, þeim er þingdeilur við Hrafnkel hafa

way most have gone, (with) those who have had lawsuits with H.


haft, at hann hafi alla menn hrakit af málaferlum þeim, er við

     that he has treated all those men badly in lawsuits, who have


hann hafa haft.

had them with him.



Sámr gengr heim til búðar sinnar, ok var þeim frændum

Sam went home to his booth, and it was to them, (his) kinsmen,


þungt í skapi ok uggðu, at þeira mál mundi svá niðr falla, at

heavy in mood and anxiety, (fearing) that for them the time might so (come)of (their) death, that


305 þeir mundi ekki fyrir hafa nema skömm ok svívirðing. Ok svá

they might not for (it?) have to take shame and disgrace.  And


mikla áhyggju hafa þeir frændr, at þeir njóta hvárki svefns né

the kinsmen had such great anxiety that they needed neither sleep nor


matar, því at allir höfðingjar skárusk undan liðsinni við þá

food, because all of the chiefs refused the kinsmen assistance with it


frændr, jafnvel þeir, sem þeir væntu, at þeim mundi lið veita.

       even those, that they (had) hoped that would help them.



Fred and Grace Hatton
