> Well, I hope that's not too confusing.
> Please let us know if you have any more questions or if I've made a
> complete mess of explaining this.
Well, I do not understand everything, but I don't have any more
questions really. From the explenaitions and different meanings of the
words I'm confident varĂ°a is the word I'm looking for.
And with all the busyness on the forum, I take it everyone agrees on
the sentance as it is right now.
Thanks so much for helping me out forming the sentance, I really
apreciate it a whole lot.
I mean who would have thought someone in the year 2005 could help
someone forming a sentance in an ancient language through the
internet. Pretty strange if you think about it.
I'll be sure to come back and show the results (if you're interested
that is hehe)
Cheers and thanks again,