--- In
norse_course@yahoogroups.com, "Fernando Guerrero"
<cualfer@...> wrote:
> Dear Llama et al.
> I had no idea that Grims saga lodhinkinna was so full of difficult
idioms. I basically proposed it due to its length, as I believe that
we do need to work with something short or with a fragment.
> Also I proposed one of the FAS because many of them have not been
translated, and thus I would like then to propose another short
untranslated FAS. What do you think about about Illuga saga
Hi Fernando,
Well, it looks like the trolls and wicked stepmothers will have to
wait for another day... A Yuletide treat maybe? It's probably more
satisfying, and less confusing, to do one thing at a time anyway, as
Patricia says. Re. Grim, actually most of it is fairly clear; I
don't think it would be too problematic for the group to have a go
at. There is a little poetry, but of the less convoluted Eddic
kind. Illuga saga Gríðarfóstra would be another good choice; it's
shorter and all in prose.