If I'm not mistaken, the letter "C" is generally used in Old Norse
except as subsitute for "k", but it could creep in when a name is
borrowed from another language.
Examples I'm thinking of are:
1) Cecilía
2) Almacia
The former is the name of the mother of Jómsvíking and Faroe
Islander, Sigmundur Brestisson. The latter is the Norse name
of "Almace" the sword of erkibiskup Turpin in _Karlamagnú s saga_.
Can anyone shed light on what the probable or theorized
pronunciations on these name might be?
I think the choice of possibilities are:
A) like hard "c" KEKILI-A ALMAKIA
B) like soft "c" SESILI-A ALMASIA
I'm writing stuff up in Japanese so I need to phonetically
transcribe the names.
Would appreciate any coaching or pointing to resources.
--Kiyo Yamazaki
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