Nice to see someone awake, I thought they'd all gone away, there has been no sign of activity for a couple weeks, I could not open the attachment, else I would at least have tried to helpBlessPatricia----- Original Message -----From: Reanna McFaddenSent: Friday, August 12, 2005 2:16 AMSubject: [norse_course] Maybe slightly off topic, but....Allright guys, this might be slightly off topic, but it's been driving me insane. :) I've been trying to figure out what the hell the runic inscription says, but all I ended up with was TP_DRG_JTRLOO... Don't ask me how. Either I am wayyyy off with this, or it says absolutely nothing (most likely). It's kind of hard to tell what some of them even are, but maybe that's just my computer. If you guys can help me out with this, I'd be grateful... thanks guys!Reanna
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