> Also, how precise is the translation stay-at-home for heimdragi,
> both Gordon and Zöega both give? A stay-at-home seems to me to be
> someone who never leaves home while the components of heimdragi
> to me, rather, someone who is always keen to get back home
whenever they
> go away. Is this quibble valid?

Sæll Alan,

Here's what I've found. Fritzner has "Person som holder sig hjemme
i, ved Huset", which I think means "a person who stays at home in/at
[their] house". Cleasby/Vigfusson, less helpfully "a 'home-
dragger,' laggard". Zoega "stay-at-home"; hleypa heimdragi
(lit. "cast off the h.") "to see the world".

Þat er nú gömlum
gleði heimdraga
at spjalla helst
við spaka drengi. (Bandamanna saga, 8)

"That is now a joy to the old stay-at-home to talk most with a
wise 'dreng'." The old man Ófeigr is the speaker of the verse.
He´s referring to himself in a self-depricating way, his intention
being to persuade Egill Skúlason (recipient of his compliment) to
speak with him.

Varkat ek dási
er ek þessa dró
oft, ósjaldan
ár á borði.
Sjá gerði mér
sára lófa
meðan heimdragi
hnauðat rauða. (Flóamanna saga, 29)

"I was no sluggard when I pulled this oar on the boat-side, often,
not rarely. This gave me sore palms while the stay-at-home hammered
iron." (Verse found carved in runes on a piece of oar).

In Magnússona saga, ch. 21, Heimskringla, King Sigurðr boasts to
King Eysteinn of his achievements in Serkland, concluding, "Þótti ek
þar mest verðr er ek fann göfgasta menn en ek hygg at eigi hafir þú
enn hleypt heimdraganum."--I was considered the greatest there when
I met men of noble birth, but I think that you haven't yet cast off
the 'heimdragi'". Laing, ch. 24 "you have only a home-bred
reputation." (Eysteinn remained in Norway, while Sigurðr went on

Haven't seen anything to contradict the dictionaries. I wonder if
there are any other words ending in -dragi?

Llama Nom