Sæl öll


Here is my translation. As I said in my feedback to individual posts, the verse doesn´t make a great deal of sense to me, but that may be that is due to the fact that I haven´t read the rest of Rögnvald´s story or that of Crusader King Sigurð. Gordon, also doesn´t appear particular certain of who the wise lady is and leaves the question of whose blood is falling as a complete mystery. Neither Gordon´s nor Dasent´s tranlations seem particularly convincing to me, and I am certainly not yet convinced about the kenning, let alone the supposed ‘double kenning.’ This is one for Llama Nom to unravel. I presume there are other texts where ‘leiðar þvengr’ = serpent, and ‘sút leiðar þvengs’ = serpent’s sorrow = winter...





Þeir Rögnvaldr jarl fóru þá ór Akrsborg ok sóttu alla hina  helgustu staði á Jórsalalandi.

They (Earl Rögnvald and others) went then out of Acre and sought the most holy places of all in Palestine.


Þeir fóru allir til Jórðánar ok  lauguðusk þar.

They all travelled to Jordan and bathed themselves there.


Þeir Rögnvald jarl ok Sigmundr Öngull  lögðusk yfir ána ok gengu þar á land,

They (Earl Rögnvald and Sigmund Öngul) made their way (swam) over the river and walked there onto land,


ok þangat til sem var  hrískjörr nökkur, ok riðu þar knúta stóra.

and from there to where was a certain brushwood thicket, and tied there large knots.


Þá kvað jarl:

Then said (the) earl:


'Ek hefi lagða lykkju leiðar þvengs of heiði

I have placed a coil of lace of (the) way over (the) heath.

Snotr minnisk þess svinna

A wise woman (will) be reminded of that

sút), fyr Jórðán útan;

(with) sorrow [dat sg?], beyond Jordan;

en hykk at þó þykki

but I think that nevertheless (it) seems

þangat langt at ganga

a long way to walk from there,

(blóð fell varmt á víðan

blood fell warm on (the) wide

völl) heimdrögum öllum

plain, for all those who yearn for [are drawn to] home



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Friday, 8 July 2005 8:27 PM
To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Miscellanea Section L Subsection (iii)


Sæl öll


Here is the third and final subsection from Gordon’s Section L, Miscellanea. No muddy verse in this one so hopefully no one will get bogged down.





Verses by Earl Rögnvald Kali

(iii) Rögnvald in Palestine

Þeir Rögnvaldr jarl fóru þá ór Akrsborg ok sóttu alla hina  helgustu staði á Jórsalalandi. Þeir fóru allir til Jórðánar ok  lauguðusk þar. Þeir Rögnvald jarl ok Sigmundr Öngull  lögðusk yfir ána ok gengu þar á land, ok þangat til sem var  hrískjörr nökkur, ok riðu þar knúta stóra. Þá kvað jarl:  'Ek hefi lagða lykkju  (leiðar þvengs) of heiði  (snotr minnisk þess svanni  sút), fyr Jórðán útan;  en hykk at þó þykki  þangat langt at ganga  (blóð fell varmt á víðan  völl) heimdrögum öllum.'

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