Thank you,
Wow, you know your stuff. As I mentioned, I am very new to this. Is
there a way to write the last name out in a more english spelling?
And could you also maybe spell it out phoneticly for me? I found some
info on Stjarna, for star. I found a great site that even helps with
the pronunciation. As for the characters, I do not recognize some of
the ones you have provided so I am unsure how that would be said.
Thank you for haveing patience for a Lay Person,
Lauren aka Stella aka Stjarna
--- In, "llama_nom" <600cell@...> wrote:
> Hello Lauren,
> In standardised Old Icelandic, Stjarna Gyðjudóttir "Star Goddess´s
> daughter". In Old Norse of the early 800´s this would look
> different, maybe: Stiarna/Stearna? GyðjudóttiR (where the capital R
> may have been a palatal sound, part way between [r] and [Z] as in
> English "pleasure"). My main uncertainty is the diphthong /ia/
> or /ea/. The 9th century Rök runestone spells it <ia>. Using the
> letter <i> rather than <j> avoids the problem of deciding whether
> was a falling or rising diphthong at this time. (Historically it
> changed from the former to the latter, according to Noreen before
> 900.)
> But the more archaic form would be *stearna (earlier still *sterna
> Proto-Norse *sternô). In favour of this are loanwords from Norse
> into English: Late Northumbrian 'dearf', Middle English 'derue' <
> *dearfR = Old Icelandic djarfr "brave" (see Gordon "Introduction to
> Old Norse" 229.3). The word appears on a later Swedish runestone,
> Husby-Lyhundra, as a personal name <tiarfR> (=diarfR). Other
> inscriptions have variously: tiarfr, tiarfR, terfs (genitive),
> tierf, tihrfR. Unfortunately I don't know how old each of these
> are. You might be able to track down more information with
> So as a provisional guess maybe Stearna GyðjudóttiR, but I don't
> know much about the timing of these sound changes, so I could be
> wrong.
> Llama Nom
> --- In, "laurenmur913"
> <laurenmur913@...> wrote:
> > Hello every one!
> > My name is Lauren and I am interested in researching all things
> viking
> > for my SCA persona. I am trying to translate my SCA name into old
> norse
> > and am not having any luck. I found this group by searching out
> old
> > norse language on yahoo. So here I am! I hope I have found the
> right
> > place.
> > My persona is early 800's swedish viking. I have chosen the Birka
> trade
> > township as my "persona origin". I have discovered that in that
> period
> > the swedish language had not even been developed yet and that
> pretty
> > much all the vikings were speaking old norse.
> > The name that I have been going by in the SCA is Stella
> Gudinnasdottir
> > which I choose to translate to mean Star Goddess Daughter.
> > Stella is the Latin word for star. So here are the words I am
> trying to
> > translate: Star and Goddess.
> > I am greatful for any help you can give me on this and am looking
> > forward to learning more about the old norse language from the
> norse
> > course site!
> > Blessings!
> > Stella* )O(