Þorsteinn Ingimundarson var þá höfðingi í Vatnsdal. translati
From: Fred and Grace Hatton Message: 5347 Date: 2005-06-13
Þorsteinn Ingimundarson var þá höfðingi í Vatnsdal. Hann bjó at Hofi,
Þ. I. was then chief in Vatnsdal. He had a home at Hofi,
ok þótti mestr maðr þar í sveitum. Ingólfr ok Guðbrandr váru synir
and was considered the greatest man there in (the) community. I. and G.
were his sons.
Ingólfr var vænstr maðr norðanlands; um hann var þetta kveðit:
I. was (the) most likely man in the north country, about him was this said:
Allar vildu meyjar með Ingólfi ganga
All (the) maidens wish to go with I.
þær's vaxnar váru -- vesl emk æ til lítil!
that one ? was (well?) grown, wretched am I not (well grown) - - too little!
Ek skal ok, kvað kerling, með Ingólfi ganga
I shall also, quoth an old woman, go with I.
meðan mér tvær of tolla tennr í efra gómi.
When to me about two teeth stick in (my) upper gums.
Quite a guy!
Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.
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