Saell AlanI hope Auðun reaches his destination safely, it is easy enough to peek but then all the fun has gone if you look (subj?)Síðan dró konungr hring af hendi sér ok gaf Auðuni ok mælti:After drew King a ring off his hand and gave it to Auð(dat) and saidAfterwards the King drew a ring off his hand and gave it to Auðun(to use draw off ?it was an arm ring ?)'Þó at svá illa verði at þú brjótir skipit ok týnir fénu, eigi ertu félauss, ef þú kømsk á land;Even if so badly it may happen that thou(sing) wreck the ship, and lose all wealth thou art not penniless if thou shouldst come to land (is not kømsk reflex. verb)Even if so unfortunately it happens that you wreck the ship and lose all the goods you will still not be penniless so long as you reach Land(wearing the ring of course)því at margir menn hafa gull á sér í skipsbrotum,in this way many men have gold and are shipwreckedmany men survive a shipwreck like this if they wear Goldok sér þá at þú hefir fundit Svein konung, ef þú heldr hringinum.and it is seen (apparent)? that thou hast met King Swein if thou shouldst hol this ringand it is obvious? that you have met Kimg Swein if you hold onto this ringEn þat vil ek ráða þér', segir hann,But I will warn you said he (ráða is like O/E - rede - to warn/advise IMO)But I would advise you said he'at þú gefir eigi hringinn, nema þú þykkisk eiga svá mikit gott at launa nökkurum göfgum mannithat thou givest not this ring, unless you think (reflex - sk again) to repay a certain (special) nobleman (?acc)That you do not give this ring away unless obliged to reward a man of great nobilityþá gef þeim hringinn, því at tignum mönnum sómir at þiggja. Ok far nú heill!'Then give to him the ring, it is for (?befitting) a high ranking man so to accept. Now Fare Wellthen give him this ring, it befits a Man of High Rank to Wear this ring. Now Fare you wellI do not know about the subjunctives - I fear I'm still floundering, but then there were these - sk thingys, I'm sure they are reflexive komsk for example is not just to come it is more like become or arrive at (I saw struggle implied here)Actually I think Sweinn is getting worried for Auðun or why else should he heap precious gifts on him.----- Original Message -----From: AThompsonSent: Friday, May 06, 2005 10:03 AMSubject: RE: [norse_course] Auðun section 19Sælir
Here is the next installment of Auðun, subjecting you to more subjunctive puzzles.
Síðan dró konungr hring af hendi sér ok gaf Auðuni ok mælti: 'Þó at svá illa verði at þú brjótir skipit ok týnir fénu, eigi ertu félauss, ef þú kømsk á land; því at margir menn hafa gull á sér í skipsbrotum, ok sér þá at þú hefir fundit Svein konung, ef þú heldr hringinum. En þat vil ek ráða þér', segir hann, 'at þú gefir eigi hringinn, nema þú þykkisk eiga svá mikit gott at launa nökkurum göfgum manni -- þá gef þeim hringinn, því at tignum mönnum sómir at þiggja. Ok far nú heill!'
A Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.
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