From: Imre
Message: 4990
Date: 2005-03-15
> hello imredifferent functions of 'the king' in the text. Without the definite article it
> a wild guess: it might be that the language in this way distinguishes
> Annika
> llama_nom <600cell@...> wrote:
> Hi Imre,
> This is a very ingenious idea, and one that hadn't occured to me.
> I'm not so sure it works though, but I'm not really in a position to
> judge, given what Haukur has said about editorial leeway in the
> matter of abbreviations. I tried searching in an online text of
> Hrólfs saga kraka, for konungr, konung, konungrinn and konunginn,
> and found examples of the indefinite accusative 'konung' used of an
> already introduced person, e.g. Chapter 18 Svipdagr ríđr fyrir
> konung "S. rode in front of THE king"; 19 ok kvađ konung mega ţat
> sjá "and said that THE king could see"; 22 Svipdagr gekk ţegar fyrir
> konung "S. immediately went before the king". Two of these are
> governed by a preposition, but one is the direct object of a verb,
> albeit in an accusative + infinitive construction. There are also
> plenty of instances of the definite nominative konungrinn.
> (I'm not counting instances where 'konung' appears with a proper
> name, or with other demonstrative.)
> Come to think of it, that one's only attested in post-medieval
> manuscripts. Looking now at Hervarar saga, the R version, which I
> think dates from the 15th c., I find no examples of 'konunginn', and
> only two of 'konung':
> Hjörvarđr biđr konung segja skjótt "H. asked THE king to answer
> quickly"
> Nú grunar konung, hverr mađrinn mun vera. "Now the king suspects
> this man must be." (But the verb 'gruna' takes accusative for thethe
> logical subject, so here 'konung' might be considered the subject,
> in spite of its accusative form.)
> Völsunga saga is preserved in a manuscript from around 1400, and
> text is dated to the 13th century. It contains lots of examples ofparticular
> the nominative 'konungrinn', but as far as I can see only one
> accusative 'konung' where English would have a definite article, e.g.
> Randverr heimti konung á tal "Randver sought an audience with the
> king"
> But for all I know these are the exceptions. Maybe it would be
> better to start with a proper critical edition and try to establish
> just what the rules are are some particular time in history,
> although even then the composite nature of so many of these texts
> and their scribal history could complicate things. Or is there a
> really obvious rule that we're overlooking?
> Llama Nom
> PS. Can anyone recommend any good general books on Old Norse
> syntax? Preferrably not to specialised or theoretical, but with
> lots of practical detail.
> --- In, IK <hobbi-germanista@...>
> wrote:
> > >Throughout this story `konungr' appears countless times without
> a
> > >definite article where, in English, one would normally be used;
> then
> > >out of the blue, the article is used in: `Ok nú er hann sá
> konunginn.'
> > >Can anyone give a reason why it would be used on this
> > >occasion?been
> >
> > As I have seen so far ON seems to be quite consequent in using
> > indefinite form when referring to a person who is already
> introduced
> > to the reader - by his title. As in that part of the text that you
> have
> > translated the 'konungur' is in definite form only when it becomes
> the
> > object (i.e. transformed to accusative) of the sentence:
> >
> > 'Ok nú er hann sá konunginn.'
> >
> > Otherwise the word 'konungr' appears in nominative or dative.
> > May be using indefinite form when referring to an already
> introduced
> > person as the acting person seems to be ok in ON, but as soon as
> it
> > becomes the objective of the action of an other person it must be
> > clarified - by adding definite article - that it is the
> aforementioned
> > person and not someone new, i.e. 'He saw the king [that we've
> > talking about]' and not a new king was seen. May be ON sees thisService.
> time
> > better to use definite form, feeling that indefinite form could be
> > confusing.
> >
> >
> > Anyway I am may not be right, one might give a different
> explanation
> > too.
> >
> > Greetings,
> >
> > Imre Kovacs
> > Hungary
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