From: llama_nom
Message: 4961
Date: 2005-03-09
> any more input on strange Alphabets will result in a blown fuse(mine)
> Thanks so much Llama Nom, that looks good, but when I work withmy PC on O/E I can read it, well right, but where you say Patricia
> Blessfound a
> Patricia
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: llama_nom
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 8:22 PM
> Subject: [norse_course] Icelandic Fonts
> Patricia,
> Here's a nice website about Modern Icelandic where I finally
> way of typing Norse characters that works even on my laptop.all,
> Click on the link "Typing foreign characters".
> Llama Nom
> --- In, "Patricia"
> <originalpatricia@...> wrote:
> > Sael Alan
> > In understanding the system, I do not try to comprehend it
> I simply have to use Outlook Express when I work with NorseCourse,
> and leave Yahoo to sending funny stuff and Greetings cards.n , }
> > When I want to type Auðun's name I do { A u (Alt+0240) u
> now is that Unicode, because I have a "Character Map" on thePC
> that works beautifully (but the laptop wont do that) and itgives
> all sorts of Alphabets, but not Runes, on my PCthe
> > Kveðja
> > Patricia
> > Only trouble I ever have is with Yahoo, Oitlook Express is
> best for my Studies---------
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