Re: [norse_course] Auðun - section 13

From: Patricia
Message: 4936
Date: 2005-03-05

Hann kømr aptr í Danmörk at páskum,
He comes after in Denmark  at Easter
He arrived then in Denmark at Easter  (it is Pasqua in Italian)
 þangat sem konungr er þá staddr. 
Thither as the King is there present
where the King was staying
 En eigi þorði hann at láta sjá sik;
But not dare he at place be seen
But he did not dare show his face
 ok var í kirkjuskoti ok ætlaði þá til fundar við konung,
and was in a wing of church and thought there to meet with the King
and waited in a wing of the Church hoping to meet the King
 er hann gengi til kirkju um kveldit. 
was he walking to Church about Evening
and he walked to the Church in the evening    (the King walked)   (as did everyone else)
Ok nú er hann sá konunginn ok hirðina fagrliga búna,
and now that he sees the King and his Retainers (his Company) beautifully clad
And now that (again?) he saw the King and his retainers so well dressed
 þá þorði hann eigi at láta sjá sik. 
there dares he not at place be seen
he dare not show his face.
Ok er konungr gekk til drykkju í höllina,
And is the King (went?) to drinking in the Hall
And when the King went to the Feast in the Hall
þá mataðisk Auðun úti, sem siðr er til Rúmferla
Then was fed Auðun outside as custom to Pilgrims
Then Auðun ate outside, as it was the custom for the Pilgrims
meðan þeir hafa eigi kastat staf ok skreppu.
while they have not cast off staff and Scrip
While they still carry the staff and Scrip (a small sack carried by a Pilgrim)
Auðun was showing the customary humility of a Pilgrim since joining their Ranks, and he is ashamed of his appearance, but I'm sure the King will have pity, and probably give him employment
I wanted to translate "while I write the Television shows "The World is not Enough" and made it to be
hrið ek skrift Farri-Sja syna "Verøld eigi ærit" unless œrit is correct
Please Sarah let Alan have this one, because he was so helpful with Part 12, and I would value his contribution, my studies are such an enjoyment to me
Fern-Sehr is German for TV (spelling? )
 and Farri-Sja seems good
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 9:39 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Auðun - section 13

Auðun arrives back at Sveinn´s court, rather the worse for wear.
Hann kømr aptr í Danmörk at páskum, þangat sem konungr er þá staddr.  En eigi þorði hann at láta sjá sik; ok var í kirkjuskoti ok ætlaði þá til fundar við konung, er hann gengi til kirkju um kveldit.  Ok nú er hann sá konunginn ok hirðina fagrliga búna, þá þorði hann eigi at láta sjá sik.  Ok er konungr gekk til drykkju í höllina, þá mataðisk Auðun úti, sem siðr er til Rúmferla, meðan þeir hafa eigi kastat staf ok skreppu.

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